
Xerxes in Chryse is a party quest centered around the El Nath Mts.'s Chryse region, and is accessible via Spiegelmann's Guest House via the Dimensional Mirror.

The objective of Xerxes in Chryse is to help Michaela defeat her corrupted pet goat Xerxes and put an end to his tyranny in Chryse.

Stage 1[]

Map Road to Chryse
Road to Chryse

When you first enter, you will encounter a large slab of rock. Press the down and right arrow keys to crawl under it. Climb up the vines, and you will see a large area of rocks that you need to place vines on to climb. To do so, press the NPC Chat / Harvest key on top of a bush nearby, move to the spot, and press the button again to place the bush. Do this a total of 4 times, and then climb the vines to advance the next stage.

Stage 2[]

Map Coliseum Front Field
Coliseum Front Field

In this stage, you will be given a new grappling hook skill, which can be used by pressing the NPC Chat / Harvest key. Various monsters will spawn in multiple waves throughout this stage, with several Weapon Dummies appearing throughout the stage, appearing on one side and moving all the way to the other side. These cannot be killed, and touching them will stun you and deal 10% HP touch damage. After you kill all the other monsters in this stage, you can advance to the next stage.

Stage 3[]

Map Coliseum Tower
Coliseum Tower

In this stage, a spinning column with spikes will appear on the bottom, and you will need to use your grappling hook to hoist yourself to the top of the map before the column reaches you. Once you reach the top of the map, you will automatically move to the next stage.

Stage 4[]

Map Coliseum Heights
Coliseum Heights

This is the final stage of the Party Quest, where you fight Xerxes. He can reduce your vision, seal, and blind, reducing your accuracy. He can also summon Kephivaras and Tragos. Once you defeat Xerxes, you will have 30 seconds to pick up any Soul Shards that may have dropped before being transported to the bonus stage (or you may enter the portal on the right side to do that manually). In the bonus stage, you can jump down and collect Chryse Core Fragments, while using your grappling hook to lift yourself back up. You have 30 seconds to claim as many as possible. If you fall, you will be sent to the exit map.


  • Level-based EXP
  • +6 Willpower EXP
  • +3 Insight EXP
Chryse Core Fragment Rewards

Eqp Michael's Glasses Michael's New Glasses

  • Requirement: Chryse Core Fragment x 80

Eqp Michaela's Glasses Michaela's New Glasses

  • Requirement: Chryse Core Fragment x 150


Picture and Name Monster's Stats
Mob Rabbit
110 - 129 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Golden Rabbit
Golden Rabbit
110 - 129 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Ferret
110 - 129 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Golden Ferret
Golden Ferret
110 - 129 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Scorpie
110 - 129 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Golden Scorpie
Golden Scorpie
110 - 129 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Mammoth
110 - 129 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Golden Mammoth
Golden Mammoth
110 - 129 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Kephivara
110 - 129 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Tragos
110 - 129 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Xerxes
Mobicon Xerxes Xerxes (Mini-Boss)
110 - 129 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Availability of Xerxes in Chryse
Korea Japan China Global SEA Taiwan
Available Available Available Available Available Available
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