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Battle Overview[]

Von Bon is often stated to be the weakest of the four Root Abyss bosses. Initially, he attacks by whacking with his staff (dealing 90% hp damage in Chaos mode and stunning the player) and shooting an orb from his staff (dealing 100% hp damage in Chaos mode). The orb can be jumped over or ducked under. Around 75% of his health he starts stomping the ground (which also deals 100% hp damage in Chaos mode) and starts summoning purple shadows on the players location. After a few seconds, the player will be teleported to the position of the shadow standing. Around 40% of his health in Chaos mode only, Von Bon can summon a portal that leads to a map containing Chaos Disembodied Von Bon. If this boss is not killed within a certain amount of time, all players will die instantly. The map is dark and deals constant damage. The disembodied form uses only Von Bon's melee attack which applies the seal debuff. When his health is lowered to about 10%, he will teleport around, summoning a tornado around him that causes heavy knockback. In Chaos mode, different colored clocks will fall during this phase. The small green clocks deal 33% hp damage, the larger blue clocks deal 50% hp damage and the large purple clocks deal 100% hp damage.

His main gimmick is summoning a "crack" in time, which is a large clock on the battlefield. If Von Bon stands in it, he alters how much time left is in the battle, depending on what color it is; white-colored clocks causes the timer to decrease, and black-colored clocks increase the timer. The cracks will stop appearing once his health is lowered enough.

Like Magnus, Von Bon has a death counter. If a player's counter reaches five, he/she will remain dead until Von Bon is defeated.

While Von Bon does not directly give EXP, everyone who participates in the battle will receive the same amount. Normal mode will reward 220,000 EXP, and Chaos mode will reward 2,100,000 EXP.


Root Abyss[]


Mobicon Von Bon Von Bon (Boss)
Mob Von Bon
Level 120 HP 315,000,000 MP 100,000 EXP 0
Attack 12,700 Defense Rate PDR: 50%
MDR: 50%
Speed 20 Additional Points Ambition EXP: 55
Weapon Points: 10
Guild Points: 150
Party GP Bonus: 1,000
Fire Resistant Ice Resistant
Poison Resistant Lightning Resistant
Holy Resistant Dark Resistant
Physical Resistant Undead? No
Category Enchanted
Equipment Drops Von Bon Helmet
Usable Drops
Set-up Drops Von Bon's Von Chair
Etc. Drops
Quest Drops None
Locations None
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Mobicon Von Bon Chaos Von Bon (Boss)
Mob Von Bon
Level 190 HP 100,000,000,000 MP 100,000 EXP 0
Attack 30,000 Defense Rate PDR: 100%
MDR: 100%
Speed 20 Additional Points Ambition EXP: 235
Weapon Points: 150
Guild Points: 1,000
Party GP Bonus: 2,000
Fire Resistant Ice Resistant
Poison Resistant Lightning Resistant
Holy Resistant Dark Resistant
Physical Resistant Undead? No
Category Enchanted
Equipment Drops
Usable Drops
Set-up Drops Von Bon's Von Chair
Etc. Drops
Quest Drops None
Locations None
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241 - 250 251 - 260 261 - 270 271 - 280 281 - 290
Major Bosses
Area Bosses

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MapIcon PinkBean Pink Bean MapIcon Signus Cygnus MapIcon Papulatus Papulatus MapIcon Ramuramu Guardian Angel Slime
MapIcon moonBridge Giant Monster Gloom

Root Abyss

MapIcon Piere Pierre MapIcon BanBan Von Bon MapIcon BloodyQueen Crimson Queen MapIcon Bellum Vellum

Elite Bosses

Mobicon Black Knight Black Knight Mobicon Mad Mage Mad Mage Mobicon Vicious Hunter Vicious Hunter Mobicon Rampant Cyborg Rampant Cyborg
Mobicon Bad Brawler Bad Brawler Mobicon Guard Captain Darknell Guard Captain Darknell

Black Mage
and his commanders

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MapIcon fallenWorldTree Damien MapIcon Lacheln Lucid MapIcon esfera Will MapIcon TheLabyrinthOfSuffering Verus Hilla MapIcon Limen Black Mage


MapIcon Magnus Magnus MapIcon Cernium Chosen Seren MapIcon karotte Kalos the Guardian MapIcon dowonkyung Kaling

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