
Summoning Sacks are items used to summon specific monsters in the map. In pre Big-Bang versions, almost any of Summoning Sacks could be used in towns mainly for making pranks to low-leveled players. In recent updates, obtainable Summoning Sacks are greatly limited, and many of them could either summon only weaker monsters or couldn't be used in towns.

Picture and Name Effects
Use Summoning Sack
Big Fish Sack
Summons a Giant Fish in the current map.
Use Diabolic Jiangshi Summon Scroll
Diabolic Jiangshi Summon Scroll
Summons a Diabolic Jiangshi in the current map.
Use Summoning Sack
Different Sack
Summons a Brown Teddy and any of following mobs randomly in the current map:
Use Scarecrow Summoning Sack
Scarecrow Summoning Sack
Once you input the level, it summons a Pure Oak Scarecrow in the current map.
Use Scarecrow Summoning Sack
Scarecrow Summoning Sack
Once you input the level, it summons a Fake Straw Scarecrow in the current map.
Use Summoning Sack
Toy Robot Sack
Summons 2 - 5 Robos and 1 - 3 Master Robos in the current map.
Use Summoning Sack
Toy Trojan Sack
Summons 2 - 5 Toy Trojans and 1 - 3 Panda Teddies in the current map.

Picture and Name Effects
Use Summoning Sack
Black Sack
Summons a Jr. Balrog in the current map.
Use Summoning Sack
Alien Sack
Summons 1 - 4 Barnard Grays, 0 - 2 Zeta Grays, 0 - 2 Ultra Grays and/or a Chief Gray in the current map.
Use Summoning Sack
Maple Ambush Sack
Summons a Barnard Gray, a Zeta Gray, an Ultra Gray, a Mateon, a Plateon, a Mecateon, a Chief Gray and a MT-09 in the current map.
Use Summoning Sack
Summoning Superslime
Summons a King Slime in the current map.
Use Summoning Sack
Summon Showa Boss
Summons a Yakuza Executive in the current map.
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Armor ArmorAccessory
Weapon WeaponSecondary Weapon
Recovery PotionFoodCurePet Food
Equipment ScrollRebirth FlameSoul Weapon
Equip Enhancement Scroll
Others ArrowBagBulletFamiliar CardRecipe
Summoning SackTeleport ItemThrowing Star
BagLeftoversQuest Item
Profession Crafting MaterialMagic Powder
HerbOreRefined HerbRefined Ore
BagChairDecorative ItemTitle
Cash Item
Cash ItemCubePet