

Star Pixie
Mob Star Pixie
Level 74 HP 28,000 MP 1,800 EXP 458
Attack 454 Defense Rate PDR: 5%
MDR: 5%
Speed 0 Additional Points None
Fire Neutral Ice Neutral
Poison Neutral Lightning Neutral
Holy Resistant Dark Weak
Physical Neutral Undead? No
Category Spirit
Equipment Drops
Usable Drops
Set-up Drops None
Etc. Drops
Quest Drops Cloud Piece
This page has been updated and has moved. Check it out!

Remnant of the Goddess[]

Strolling Path[]

Tower Star Pixie
Mob Star Pixie
Level 70 - 180 HP Varying MP Varying EXP 0
Attack Varying Defense Rate PDR: Varying  %
MDR: Varying  %
Speed 0 Additional Points None
Fire Neutral Ice Neutral
Poison Neutral Lightning Neutral
Holy Resistant Dark Weak
Physical Neutral Undead? No
Category Spirit
Revives into Ghost Pixie
Equipment Drops None
Usable Drops None
Set-up Drops None
Etc. Drops None
Quest Drops None
Locations <Strolling Path>

This page has been updated and has moved. Check it out!


Star Pixie in Tower of Goddess(Summon Boss)
Mob Star Pixie
Level 70 - 180 HP Varying MP Varying EXP 0
Attack Varying Defense Rate PDR: Varying  %
MDR: Varying  %
Speed 0 Additional Points None
Fire Neutral Ice Neutral
Poison Neutral Lightning Neutral
Holy Resistant Dark Weak
Physical Neutral Undead? No
Category Spirit
Revives into Ghost Pixie
Equipment Drops None
Usable Drops None
Set-up Drops None
Etc. Drops None
Quest Drops None
Locations None

This page has been updated and has moved. Check it out!


  • Regional Naming Difference:
    • GMS: Star Pixie
(Normal + Reboot)
1 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 40 41 - 50 51 - 60
61 - 70 71 - 80 81 - 90 91 - 100 101 - 110 111 - 120
121 - 130 131 - 140 141 - 150 151 - 160 161 - 170 171 - 180
181 - 190 191 - 200 201 - 210 211 - 220 221 - 230 231 - 240
241 - 250 251 - 260 261 - 270 271 - 280 281 - 290
Major Bosses
Area Bosses

MapIcon Balog Balrog MapIcon Zakum Zakum MapIcon Hontale Horntail MapIcon OmegaSector OMNI-CLN
MapIcon PinkBean Pink Bean MapIcon Signus Cygnus MapIcon Papulatus Papulatus MapIcon Ramuramu Guardian Angel Slime
MapIcon moonBridge Giant Monster Gloom

Root Abyss

MapIcon Piere Pierre MapIcon BanBan Von Bon MapIcon BloodyQueen Crimson Queen MapIcon Bellum Vellum

Elite Bosses

Mobicon Black Knight Black Knight Mobicon Mad Mage Mad Mage Mobicon Vicious Hunter Vicious Hunter Mobicon Rampant Cyborg Rampant Cyborg
Mobicon Bad Brawler Bad Brawler Mobicon Guard Captain Darknell Guard Captain Darknell

Black Mage
and his commanders

MapIcon VanLeon Von Leon MapIcon Akairum Arkarium MapIcon Hilla Hilla MapIcon Magnus Magnus MapIcon BlockBuster Lotus
MapIcon fallenWorldTree Damien MapIcon Lacheln Lucid MapIcon esfera Will MapIcon TheLabyrinthOfSuffering Verus Hilla MapIcon Limen Black Mage


MapIcon Magnus Magnus MapIcon Cernium Chosen Seren MapIcon karotte Kalos the Guardian MapIcon dowonkyung Kaling

Special Content

Mobicon Ursus Ursus Mobicon Dorothy Dorothy Mobicon Hekaton Hekaton

Overseas Exclusive

MapIcon Ranmaru Mori Ranmaru MapIcon JP Nohime Princess No MapIcon PL Sengoku3 Akechi Mitsuhide
MapIcon GiantVellud Gollux MapIcon CrossHunter Cross MapIcon PL Abrup Julieta

Quest Monsters
1 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 40 41 - 50 51 - 60
61 - 70 71 - 80 81 - 90 91 - 100 101 - 110 111 - 120
121 - 130 131 - 140 141 - 150 151 - 160 161 - 170 171 - 180
181 - 190 191 - 200 201 - 210 211 - 220 221 - 230 231 - 240
241 - 250 251 - 260 261 - 270 271 - 280 281 - 290
Other Monsters

Mu Lung DojoMonster ParkParty QuestMirror WorldMaple Tour
Tower of OzSpecialTheme DungeonsEpicCross Brigade
