
Ranheim Defense is the Arcane River Special Content located near the Morass region. To participate, talk to the Mysterious Researcher in Trueffet Square. Ranheim Defense can only be attempted alone, and you will have 3 clears per week, meaning that you can reattempt or reset a run that you've already entered. Ranheim Defense has a recommended Arcane Power of 520.

Prevent Hekaton's resurrection with the power of the light magic pillar Ranheim Rod!


Mob Body Fragment

Body Fragment

Mob Hekaton's Fragment

Hekaton's Fragment

Map Ranheim Defense
Ranheim Defense

Ranheim Defense only has one map, with a time limit of 10 minutes and various portals that teleport players between the middle and the left / right sides of the map. During Ranheim Defense, a Body Fragment will appear in a random location and attack the Ranheim Rod in the center of the map. To destroy them, you must charge Light Magic by defeating the surrounding monsters. Once the energy is full, you can press the NPC Chat / Harvest key on top of the Light Magic Launcher in front of the Body Fragment to destroy it. After defeating 9 Body Fragments, Hekaton's Fragment will appear, which must be attacked using the Light Magic Launcher a total of 3 times; after each hit, it will teleport to a random location.

Upon successfully defeating Hekaton's Fragment, you will be taken to the Reward Stage.

Reward Stage[]

Map Ranheim Defense Exit
Ranheim Defense Exit

This stage serves to give your rewards. If you successfully complete Ranheim Defense, you will obtain EXP and Eqp Arcane Symbol MorassArcane Symbol: Morass. If you fail, you will be given no rewards, but the run will not count toward your weekly completions.


Upon completing Ranheim Defense, you will receive Eqp Arcane Symbol MorassArcane Symbol: Morass x 15 in the form of usable vouchers. Additionally, you can choose to receive 1,127,760,555 EXP, up to 3 times per week per world.

You can also immediately complete weekly runs for every additional area you complete in Arcane River.

  • When Esfera is completed, you will be able to immediately complete 1 run to receive the Symbols instantly.
  • When Moonbridge is completed, you will be able to immediately complete 2 runs to receive the Symbols instantly.
  • Note that the EXP reward will NOT be given if you choose to immediately complete the run.
Availability of Ranheim Defense
Korea Japan China Global SEA Taiwan
Available Available Available Available Available Available
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