[Lion King's Castle] Key to the Second Tower
NPC Jenn
Category Lion King's Castle
Available Jenn promised to stay behind to help others even after his brother was rescued. In order to go to the tower, you must have the Key to the Second Tower that Jenn carries.
In Progress Jenn knows how to make the key, but he's asked you to bring the materials. Defeat Reindeer or Blood Reindeer and find enough of the Reindeer's Spear items to make the key.
Completed Jenn made you the Key to the Second Tower. Use it to unlock the Roof of the Second Tower, and face the Prison Guard Boar.
  1. Talk to Jenn by clicking on the lightbulb.
  2. Obtain 50 Etc Reindeer's Spear Reindeer's Spears from Reindeer or Blood Reindeer.
  3. Talk to Jenn again by clicking on the lightbulb.
Rewards BasicReward
682,200 EXP
Etc Reindeer's Spear Reindeer's Spear -50
Etc Key to the Second Tower Key to the Second Tower x 1