Riding Mimiana
NPC Kiridu
Category Cygnus Knights
Available How does a fully-grown Mimiana act? I better talk to Kiridu the Mount Trainer for the answer.
In Progress Kiridu told me that Mimiana may have grown quite a bit, but it's not ready to be mounted, and told me I'll need to make it stronger by feeding Mimiana with some of Kenta's Supplements. He then instructed me to go purchase Kenta's Supplements. Aren't they quite expensive?
Completed Kiridu handed me a mountable Mimiana and Saddle, and taught me the Monster Mount skill.
  1. Talk to Kiridu in Kiridu's Hatchery.
  2. Obtain 1 Etc Kenta's Special Supplements Kenta's Special Supplements by completing the quest Supplements for Mimiana.
  3. Talk to Kiridu again.
Rewards BasicReward
Etc Kenta's Special Supplements Kenta's Special Supplements -1
Skill Mimiana Mimiana at Level 1
Unlocked Quest(s) Supplements for Mimiana (if in progress)
A Knight's Pride