
Nett's Pyramid is a party quest located in the Nihal Desert region, and is accessible via Spiegelmann's Guest House via the Dimensional Mirror.

The objective of Nett's Pyramid is to protect the Obelisk on the left side of the map from monsters that spawn in large swarms. The Obelisk has 20 life points, and each monster that reaches it takes away 1 life point; Pharaoh Yetis will take away 2 and Pharaoh Mummies will take away 5. If the Obelisk's life reaches 0, the PQ will be over.

PQ Map[]

Map Nett's Pyramid
Nett's Pyramid

During the PQ, you will encounter 20 waves of monsters, getting progressively more difficult. The types of monsters you will encounter, and short details for each, are as follows:

  • Skeledog: minor nuisances and are easy to defeat
  • Pyramid Skeleton: slower but sturdier than Skeledogs
  • Giant Scorpion: very slow-moving and easy targets
  • Horus: based on the ancient Egyptian God of the same name; normal speed and can increase the speed of all nearby monsters
  • Advisor Mummy: normal speed and can heal all nearby monsters by around 30,000 HP
  • Pharaoh Yeti: very slow but has a lot of HP, only spawns during Wave 10
  • Mummydog: faster than their skeletal counterparts; can be a real threat to the Obelisk when given a speed boost by Horus
  • Pyramid Skeleton Commander: undead cavalry that is sturdy and moves at a normal speed
  • Pharaoh Snake: can reduce your attack speed by 2
  • Pharoah Mummy: the final enemy; 2 of these will spawn, and each has a lot of HP at the recommended level. It will take teamwork to bring these down. These can reduce your attack speed by 2 and stun you.

Note that debuffs such as slow, stun, freeze, as well as skills that push or pull enemies, will not effect the monsters in this PQ.

Monsters per wave[]

The monsters in each wave consist of the following: (the numbers next to each monster indicate that it has more HP than the previous version of it (for example, Giant Scorpion (3) has more HP than Giant Scorpion (2). and that has more HP than Giant Scorpion (1)).

  • Wave 1: Skeledog (1)
  • Wave 2: Pyramid Skeleton (1)
  • Wave 3: Skeledog (1), Pyramid Skeleton (1)
  • Wave 4: Giant Scorpion (1)
  • Wave 5: Giant Scorpion (1), Pyramid Skeleton (2)
  • Wave 6: Pyramid Skeleton (2), Skeledog (2)
  • Wave 7: Skeledog (2), Giant Scorpion (2)
  • Wave 8: Pyramid Skeleton (2), Horus (1)
  • Wave 9: Pyramid Skeleton (2), Advisor Mummy (1)
  • Wave 10: Pharaoh Yeti
  • Wave 11: Mummydog (1)
  • Wave 12: Pyramid Skeleton Commander (1)
  • Wave 13: Mummydog, Horus (2)
  • Wave 14: Pyramid Skeleton Commander (1), Giant Scorpion (3)
  • Wave 15: Giant Scorpion (3), Pharaoh Snake (1)
  • Wave 16: Advisor Mummy (2), Pyramid Skeleton Commander (2)
  • Wave 17: Mummydog (2), Horus (3)
  • Wave 18: Mummydog (2), Advisor Mummy (2), Giant Scorpion (4)
  • Wave 19: Advisor Mummy (3), Pyramid Skeleton Commander (3), Pharaoh Snake (2)
  • Wave 20 (2 lanes): Pyramid Skeleton Commander (3), Pharaoh Mummy


While in the PQ, you will accumulate points for attacking and killing monsters. These points can be used to "buy" the following buffs:

  • Anubis's Eye: Increases weapon/magic attack for a short period of time. Costs 500 points.
  • Osiris's Eye: Stuns all monsters for 1 second (30% success rate on Pharaoh Yetis and Pharaoh Mummies). Costs 500 points.
  • Isis's Eye: Deals damage over time on all monsters. Costs 500 points.
  • Horus's Eye: Slow down all monsters for a short period of time (30% success rate on Pharaoh Yetis and Pharaoh Mummies). Costs 700 points.
  • Ra's Eye: Instantly kills 20 monsters closest to the Obelisk. Deals 10% damage at a 30% success rate to Pharaoh Yetis and Pharaoh Mummies. Costs 2000 points.

Reward Stage[]

Map Nett's Pyramid Exit
Nett's Pyramid Exit

This stage serves to give you rewards. You will have obtained EXP at the end of the previous stage based on your performance. You will receive one Nett's Emerald for every wave you clear (or you can choose to exit without taking these).


  • Level-based EXP
  • +15 Willpower EXP
  • +3 Ambition EXP
Nett's Emerald Rewards

Eqp The Immortal Pharaoh Belt The Immortal Pharaoh Belt

Eqp The Immortal Pharaoh Shoes The Immortal Pharaoh Shoes

Eqp The Immortal Pharaoh Ring The Immortal Pharaoh Ring (lasts for 15 days)


Picture and Name Monster's Stats
Mob Skeledog (2)
80 - 300 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Pyramid Skeleton
Pyramid Skeleton
80 - 300 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Giant Scorpion
Giant Scorpion
80 - 300 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Horus
80 - 300 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Advisor Mummy
Advisor Mummy
80 - 300 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Pharaoh Yeti
Pharaoh Yeti
80 - 300 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Mummydog (2)
80 - 300 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Pyramid Skeleton Commander
Pyramid Skeleton Commander
80 - 300 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Pharaoh Snake
Pharaoh Snake
80 - 300 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Pharoah Mummy
Pharoah Mummy
80 - 300 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Availability of Nett's Pyramid (Party Quest)
Korea Japan China Global SEA Taiwan
Available Available Available Available Available Available
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