
Music plays a very important role in the game of MapleStory. Also known as BGM, it helps establish the mood for various maps and settings. This article allows you to listen and download the music that is in the game of MapleStory. All the music here were converted to Ogg Vorbis format so that it meets the wiki's upload requirements.

The MapleStory soundtrack was composed by the following artists:

The scope of this wiki includes all files in the core game sound files. If you want to know the name of the sound files separately, and information about musical content relating to MapleStory music posted by the official social media channels (YouTube) as well content posted by its official musicians (for example the MapleStory Symphony in Budapest), you can go to MapleStory Music Wiki.

On Main Page, only bgm name and played in details are listed.

Main Page | 00 - 20 | 21 - 40 | 41 - 60
A - M | N - Z | Miscellaneous


Name Played in
SleepyWood Sleepywood
FloralLife Henesys
GoPicnic Henesys Market
Nightmare Perion
RestNPeace Henesys Southern Fields
DragonDream Evan Tutorial
Silence Cutscenes
neneSound Nene Chicken event


Name Played in
AncientMove Sleepywood: Drake Cave and Ant Tunnel Square
MoonlightShadow Ellinia Fields
WhereTheBalrogFrom Unused
CavaBien Henesys Northern Fields
HighlandStar Perion: Burnt Land
BadGuys Kerning City


Name Played in
MissingYou Ellinia Tree Dungeon
WhenTheMorningComes Ellinia
EvilEyes Sleepywood: Cursed Temple
JungleBook Kerning City: Swamp Region
AboveTheTreetops Lith Harbor


Name Played in
Subway Kerning City: Subway
Elfwood Unused
BlueSky Henesys: Dreamy Forest Trail
Beachway Florina Beach (unused)
SnowyVillage El Nath


Name Played in
PlayWithMe Kerning City Internet Cafe (unused)
WhiteChristmas Happyville (KMS)
UponTheSky Victoria - Orbis Ship
ArabPirate Victoria - Orbis Ship (Crimson Balrog) (unused)
Shinin'Harbor Orbis
WarmRegard El Nath Fields
WhiteChristmas_ Unused
WhiteChristmas Happyville


Name Played in
WolfWood El Nath: Dead Mine (Cliffs)
DownToTheCave Unused, duplicate of AncientMove
AbandonedMine El Nath: Dead Mine
MineQuest Zakum Pre-quest
HellGate El Nath: Dead Mine (Caves of Trial)
Showa: The Secret Spa


Name Played in
FinalFight Zakum Boss Battle (old)
WelcomeToTheHell Zakum Boss Battle
ComeWithMe Orbis Tower
FlyingInABlueDream Orbis - Ludibrium Ship
FantasticThinking Ludibrium


Name Played in
WaltzForWork Ludibrium: Toy Factory
WhereverYouAre Ludibrium: Clocktower
Deep Inside the Clocktower
FunnyTimeMaker Eos Tower (Inside)
Helios Tower
HighEnough Eos Tower (Outside)
Fantasia Dimensional Crack


Name Played in
LetsMarch Omega Sector
ForTheGlory Omega Sector: Silo
FindingForest Omega Sector: Kulan Field (unused)
LetsHuntAliens Omega Sector: Boswell Field
PlotOfPixie Remnant of the Goddess: Papa Pixie Boss Battle


Name Played in
DarkShadow Dimensional Crack
TheyMenacingYou Dimensional Crack: Alishar Boss Battle
FairyTale Ludibrium: Warped Path of Time
FairyTalediffvers Ludibrium: Warped Path of Time
TimeAttack Papulatus Boss Battle


Name Played in
Timeless Ludibrium: Forgotten Path of Time
TimelessB Ludibrium: Forgotten Path of Time
BizarreTales Ludibrium: Warped Passage
TheWayGrotesque Ludibrium: Forgotten Passage
Eregos Ergoth's Leitmotif/Theme (old)
Arcanus Boss Battle


Name Played in
BlueWorld Aquarium Fields
Aquarium Aquarium
ShiningSea Aquarium Shallow Sea
DownTown Korean Folk Town
DarkMountain Korean Folk Town Fields


Name Played in
AquaCave Aquarium Deep Sea
DeepSee Aquarium Deep Sea
WaterWay Sharenian Culvert
AcientRemain Perion: Excavation Site
RuinCastle Perion: Military Camps
Dispute Magatia


Name Played in
CokeTown Unused
Leafre Leafre
Minar'sDream Leafre Fields
AcientForest Leafre Fields
TowerOfGoddess Remnant of the Goddess
Ellinel Fairy Academy storyline
FightSand Ariant Coliseum


Name Played in
DragonLoad Leafre: Dragon Forest
HonTale Horntail Boss Battle
Balrog Boss Battle
CaveOfHontale Leafre's Cave of Life
DragonNest Leafre: Dragon Canyon
Ariant Ariant
HotDesert Ariant Fields
DragonRider Dragon Rider
HotDesert Unused


Name Played in
MureungHill Mu Lung
MureungForest Mu Lung Fields
WhiteHerb Herb Town
Pirate Herb Town: Red-Nose Pirate Den
SunsetDesert Sunset Road
Nautilus Nautilus Harbor
inNautilus Nautilus Interior
ElinForest Ellin Forest
PoisonForest Ellin Forest: Fairy Forest
Forest of Poison Haze
QueensHideout Ephenia Boss Battle
ElinCave Ellin Forest: Rocky Mountain Cave
DeepCave Chao Boss Battle
Coco Island Coco Island


Name Played in
TimeTemple Temple of Time
Remembrance Temple of Time: Memory Lane
Repentance Temple of Time: Road of Regrets
Forgetfulness Temple of Time: Road to Oblivion
Duskofgod Temple of Time: Deep Place of Temple
FightingPinkBeen Pink Bean Boss Battle
RustyThrone Azwan
InWartime Azwan quests
RedWitch Hilla Boss Battle


Name Played in
MureungSchool1 Mu Lung Dojo
MureungSchool2 Mu Lung Dojo (unused)
MureungSchool3 Mu Lung Dojo (unused)
MureungSchool4 Mu Lung Dojo
secretFlower The Secret Garden
EvolvingWorld Evolution System
GoldBeach Gold Beach


Name Played in
QueensGarden Ereve
DrillHall Ereve Drill Hall
BlackWing Black Wings' Leitmotif/Theme
RaindropFlower Ereve Fields
WolfAndSheep Event
Injustice Cutscenes


Name Played in
RienVillage Rien
SnowDrop Rien Eastern Fields
BambooGym Rien Training Ground (unused)
CrystalCave Rien Mirror Cave & Slumbering Dragon Island
MushCatle Mushroom Castle (old)
FlytotheMoon Lumiere
DancingWitnTheMoon Lumiere - In Flight


Name Played in
NetsPiramid Nett's Pyramid
NetsPiramid2 Unused
UnderSubway Unused
UnderSubway2 Unused
GhostShip Sea of Fog (unused)


Name Played in
KerningSquare Kerning Square Lobby
KerningSquareField Kerning Square Fields
KerningSquareSubway Kerning Square Subway
Silent Crusade: Train in Repair
TeraForest Neo City
2021year Neo City
2099year Neo City
2215year Neo City
2230year Neo City
2503year Neo City
LoversIntheAfternoon Kerning Tower


Name Played in
EdelsteinCity Edelstein
NationalPark Edelstein: Concrete Road
PowerStation Edelstein: Verne Mine
GelimerLab Edelstein: Gelimer Research Lab
UndergroundPlace Edelstein: Secret Plaza
LowGradeOre Edelstein: Dry Road
DespairOnDevil Demon Tutorial
DecisiveBattle Demon
Leafre of Past
LowGradeOre Used in the JMS website for introducing Big Bang


Name Played in
BlizzardCastle Lion King's Castle
CrimsonTower Roof of Castle Tower and Rose Garden
LionHeart Von Leon Boss Battle
MPBonusMap Monster Park Bonus Stage (unused)
CastleOutSide Sakura Castle (unused)
CastleInside Sakura Castle (unused)
CastleBoss Sakura Castle (unused)


Name Played in
KreaseField Xerxes in Chryse
KreaseAgit Xerxes in Chryse
KreaseColosseum Xerxes in Chryse: Xerxes Boss Battle
battleEntrance Battle Square (unused)
battleBGMTypeA Battle Square (unused)
battleBGMTypeB Battle Square (unused)
battleBGMTypeC Battle Square (unused)
battleBGMTypeD Battle Square (unused)
monsterPark Monster Park
battleChipi Battle Square (CMS) (unused)


Name Played in
profession Ardentmill
timeGate Gate to the Future
destructionTown Henesys Ruins
knightsStronghold Dark Ereve
CygnusGarden Cygnus Boss Battle
WindAndFlower Elluel
FlowerInBlue Mercedes Tutorial
SoundOfElf Mercedes Questline
CrackOfDimension Dimensional Schism
AltarOfAkayrum Arkarium Boss Battle
destructionPerion Twilight Perion (old, unused)
destructionPerionShelter Twilight Perion
destructionPerion Twilight Perion Fields


Name Played in
FinalFight Luminous Tutorial
DarkMage Black Mage's Leitmotif/Theme
SpeakInTheVoid Luminous Tutorial
PeacefulWoods Luminous Tutorial
Flood Luminous Tutorial
BurningWoods Luminous Tutorial
Serenity Harmony
DarkWoods Luminous Questline


Name Played in
Pantheon Pantheon
GreatTemple Pantheon: Great Temple Interior
PantheonField Pantheon Fields
NovaSanctum Pantheon: Sanctums
BaseOfBetrayers Pantheon: Suspicious Hideout and Heretic Temple
StepOfKaiser Kaiser Tutorial
TrappedKaiser Kaiser Tutorial
BorderArea Pantheon: Border Invasion
AngelsRoom Angelic Buster's Room
Angelic Buster Skill: Superstar Spotlight (GMS only)


Name Played in
helisiumField Heliseum: Black Market Fields
helisiumWarcry Heliseum Questline
funkyBlackmarket Heliseum: Black Market
helisiumMysticforest Heliseum: Forest
trinityForce Treglow, Victor, and Velderoth Boss Battles
retake Heliseum: Reclamation HQ
citadelofTyrant Tyrant's Castle
thefinalWar Magnus Boss Battle
thefinalWar Magnus Boss Battle (old, unused)


Name Played in
YggdrasilPrayer Root Abyss
TimeChaos Von Bon Boss Battle
JoyfulTeaParty Pierre Boss Battle
QueenPalace Crimson Queen Boss Battle
AbyssCave Vellum Boss Battle and Neglected Garden
banbantime Von Bon Boss Battle: Entry


Name Played in
thePhoto Xenon Questline
pulseResonance Xenon Questline: Beryl Boss Battle
fromUndertoUpper Xenon Questline
underside Xenon Questline
inAllVerity Veritas
5thSpotLightFlyAway Angelic Buster Skill: Superstar Spotlight (not in GMS)
6thGrandFinaleStarBubble Angelic Buster Skill: Grand Finale (not in GMS)


Name Played in
itsmonsterslife Monster Life
itsmonsterslife2 Monster Life
scholarsLibrary Monster Life
specialtyStore Monster Life
specialtyStoreRemix Monster Life
journey Monster Life
fadedCitadel Crimsonheart Castle


Name Played in
TheRaiders Stone Colossus
TheRush Event: Survivalism
TheLivingMountain Stone Colossus Body
TheColossalHeart Stone Colossus Innards


Name Played in
NastyLiar Zero Questline
ShadowTemple Zero Questline
BeBornZero Zero's Temple
ShadowKnight Zero Questline
SmileZero Zero Questline
DisputeInMirror Mirror World Magatia
AriantInMirror Mirror World Ariant
Labyrinth of Suffering Questline
EdelsteinCityInMirror Mirror World Edelstein
FantasticThinkingInMirror Mirror World Ludibrium
TimeTempleInMirror Mirror World Temple of Time
FloralLifeInMirror Mirror World Henesys
LeafreInMirror Mirror World Leafre
MureungHillInMirror Mirror World Mu Lung
RedRoom Zero Questline


Name Played in
TheFairyForest Ellinel Lake
TheFairyAcademy Ellinel Fairy Academy
MoleKingRises Mole King Boss Fight
GlacierAdventure Riena Strait
Sailing Riena Strait Ship
Adele Questline
MapleLeaf Explorer Questline
WoundedLeaf Explorer Questline: Destroyed Maple Island
AgainstTheDark Explorer Questline
GoFight!ShowYourEnergy! Unused
DimensionLibrary Grand Athenaeum (Music Box)
TheStormyForest Grand Athenaeum Chapter 1: The White Mage
TheAurora Grand Athenaeum Chapter 1: The White Mage


Name Played in
Hekaton Hekaton Boss Battle (unused)
Morass: That Day in Trueffet
InRuinInVain Kritias
StopInEnds Kritias Invasion (unused)
StopInHundreds Kritias
TragicForest Kritias Fields
TragicRestart Kritias Invasion (unused)


Name Played in
decision Shade Tutorial
Dominion Night Walker Skill: Dominion
foxvillage Fox Point Village
HappyTimeLong Event: 11th Anniversary (KMS) / 10th Anniversary (GMS)
HappyTimeShort Unused
RoyalGuard Elite Boss Battle
sadfoxvillage Fox Point Village


Name Played in
AmusingStoryInTheFairyTale Tower of Oz Boss Battles
HazardFromCave Tower of Oz
JungleInTheSea Tower of Oz
StrangeSortOfStory Tower of Oz: 49F and 50F
TheBottomOfTheSea Tower of Oz resting spots
VentureIntoTheUnkown Tower of Oz: Lobby


Name Played in
battlefield FriendStory Dust Zones
HollowAttack Old Shinsoo International School building
LifeIsComedy FriendStory
MushroomCastle Mushroom Castle
SchoolLife Shinsoo International School
UrbanStreet FriendStory
VikingShip Mushroom Castle: Viking Ship
VikingSkipper Black Viking Boss Battle
FlowerVioleta Mushroom Castle Questline
WarMushCastle Mushroom Castle: Castle Walls


Name Played in
StarPlanetWaitField Star Planet
StarPlanetGameField Star Planet
StarPlanetMainEvent Star Planet
TodaysFortune Star Planet
StarPlanetWorldEvent Star Planet
InvitavionStarplanet Star Planet
MasterOfKeyBoard Star Planet
VirtualArena Star Planet


Name Played in
SecretMission Black Heaven Questline
SecretMissionBase Black Heaven Questline
RabbitsDream Black Heaven Questline
BattleOnTheDeck Black Heaven Questline
Legion / Union raid battle
TheDollMaster Black Heaven Questline
JunkYard Black Heaven Questline
BlackHeavenTheme Black Heaven Questline
BlackHeavenTheme_parade Black Heaven Questline
HeroComes Black Heaven Questline


Name Played in
Gravity Core Lotus Boss Battle: Phase 1
Gravity Lord Lotus Boss Battle: Phase 2
Gravity Lord Rise Lotus Boss Battle: Phase 3
BigMachine Black Heaven Questline
BigMachine_mission Black Heaven Questline
HeavenAgain Black Heaven Questline
PromiseOfHeaven Black Heaven Questline
PromiseOfHeaven_vocaless Black Heaven Questline
HeavenAgain Black Heaven Questline
Haven Theme Scrapyard: Haven


Name Played in
TheBeast FriendStory Chapter 6
Bounty Hunt
TheBeast2 FriendStory Chapter 6
Demon's eye FriendStory Chapter 6
Demon's eye2 FriendStory Chapter 6
Catch Your Dreams! intro FriendStory Chapter 6 performance
Catch Your Dreams! play FriendStory Chapter 6 performance
Catch Your Dreams! full FriendStory Chapter 6 performance
Catch Your Dreams! vocaless FriendStory Chapter 6 performance


Name Played in
monsterWorld Event: 12th Anniversary (KMS) / 11th Anniversary (GMS)
TresureGameMulti Event: 12th Anniversary (KMS) / 11th Anniversary (GMS)
TresureGameSingle Event: 12th Anniversary (KMS) / 11th Anniversary (GMS)
Kinesis Theme I Kinesis Questline
Kinesis Theme II Kinesis Questline
Kinesis Theme Skill Kinesis Skill: Mental Overdrive
Skyscraper City Center (Seoul Main Street)
Unknown Part Of City Kinesis Questline
This too shall pass away Korean Folk Town Questline
Unexpected crisis Korean Folk Town Questline
Welcome To The Creepy Ghost Park Ghost Park
Dancing With Ghosts Ghost Park


Name Played in
SheSellsALuckyThing Ursus entrance map
TheKingOfDestruction Ursus Boss Battle: Phase 1
TheSilentWar Ursus Boss Battle: Phase 2
WildFury Ursus Boss Battle: Phase 3
Desperately Ursus Boss Battle: Phase 4
DragonTigerField Gold Dragon Dojo and Red Tiger Dojo (KMS event)
DragonTigerDungeon Gold Dragon Dojo and Red Tiger Dojo (KMS event)
Kecon_KR Momijigaoka (KMS event)
Momijigaoka_KR Momijigaoka (KMS event)
InsideHonnouji_KR Momijigaoka (KMS event)
MomijiNoSakamichi_KR Momijigaoka (KMS event)
Hieijan_KR Momijigaoka (KMS event)
Hieijan_nohime_KR Momijigaoka (KMS event)


Name Played in
Heroes Of Maple Theme Heroes of Maple Questline
Heroes Of Maple Theme Piano Heroes of Maple Questline
Through The Blizzard Heroes of Maple Questline
Showtime! Heroes of Maple Questline
Army Of Fears Theme Heroes of Maple Questline
Pain And Sorrow Heroes of Maple Questline
Dark World Tree: Deserted Camp
Moonbridge Questline
Ereve: Genesis Weapon Questline
Anthem For Heroes Heroes of Maple Questline
Timeless Beholder Heroes of Maple Questline
Time Is Gold Heroes of Maple Questline
Endless Journey Heroes of Maple Questline
God Of Control - Lobby Maplerunner
God Of Control - Stage Maplerunner
Jazz For Dr Lim Heroes of Maple Questline
The Devil Is Coming Heroes of Maple Questline
Climbing Up The WorldTree Heroes of Maple Questline
Dark World Tree
Pain To Hope Heroes of Maple Questline
Travelers Heroes of Maple Questline
Demian Damien Boss Battle: Phase 1
Demian Spine Damien Boss Battle: Between Phases
Demian True Damien Boss Battle: Phase 2


Name Played in
Volcanic Zone Of Extinction Vanishing Journey: Extinction Zone
Lake Of Oblivion Vanishing Journey: Lake Of Oblivion
Cave Of Rest Vanishing Journey: Cave of Repose
ChewChew MainTheme Chu Chu Island
ChewChew WildWorld Chu Chu Island: Eree Valley and Skywhale Mountain
LachelntheIllusionCity Lachelein
ClockTowerofNightmare Lachelein: Nightmare Clocktower
WierldForestIntheGirlsdream Lucid Boss Battle: Phase 1
BrokenDream Lucid Boss Battle: Phase 2


Name Played in
GoGoRangers! Omega Sector Questline
DancesWithAliens Omega Sector: Inside the Mothership
VacuumCleaner Unused
TheTuneOfAzureLight Arcana
TheTuneOfAzureLight2 Arcana
ArcanaBoss Arcana
SavageTerminal Savage Terminal
HuntingGround Savage Terminal
MrHazard Savage Terminal: Mr. Hazard's Lair
AsylumAmbience Sanctuary
AsylumPiano Sanctuary
Asylum Sanctuary
CrystalAcademia Sanctuary: Crystal Academy
DeathOfAsylum Sanctuary
DeathOfAsylumChoir Sanctuary
DeathOfAsylumChoirExtended Sanctuary
IlliumRebirth Sanctuary
AsylumAmbiencePiano Sanctuary


Name Played in
Nowhere Grand Athenaeum Chapter 4: Winter Bard
WayBackHome Grand Athenaeum Chapter 4: Winter Bard
noname Grand Athenaeum Chapter 4: Winter Bard
ForgottenNames Grand Athenaeum Chapter 4: Winter Bard
gloryWing Illium Skill: Crystal Skill - Wings of Glory
MemoryOfKritias Morass: Trueffet Area
SwampOfMemoryMoras Morass: Coral Forest
BlackDungeon Morass: Dungeon
OverTheClouds Fox Valley: Beyond the Clouds
OverTheClouds_RhythmicVer Fox Valley Questline
EveningPrimrose Grand Athenaeum Chapter 5: Shadow Alchemist
Title Original Server Select
VerdelTown Verdel
VerdelField Verdel: Sandstorm Zone
VerdelDungeon Verdel: Desert Cavern
Doomsday_FULL Verdel: Ravaged Base Remnants
Doomsday_LOOP Ark Questline
Memory Ark Questline
Outpost Maple Alliance Outpost


Name Played in
SoupOfLife Esfera: Living Spring
ConteminatedSea Esfera: Mirror-touched Sea
TempleInTheMirror Esfera: Radiant Temple
Diffraction Will Boss Battle: Phase 1
MirrorCage Will Boss Battle: Phase 2
BloodCage Will Boss Battle: Phase 3
WarCloud Moonbridge: Last Horizon
StrangeFog Moonbridge: Mysterious Fog
WaveofEmptiness Moonbridge: Void Current
FerociousBattlefield Giant Monster Gloom Boss Battle
DuskHallucination Giant Monster Gloom Boss Battle
FerociousBattlefield_loop Tenebris cutscenes
FerociousBattlefield_ShortEdit Tenebris cutscenes
FerociousBattlefield_RiserEdit Tenebris cutscenes
SecretLabyrinth Labyrinth of Suffering: Interior
EternalSwamp Labyrinth of Suffering: Core
HeartofSuffering Labyrinth of Suffering: Deep Core
DepthOfPain Verus Hilla Boss Battle


Name Played in
TearsOfTheWorld Limina: World's Sorrow
BlackFury Limina: Orchid's Leitmotif/Theme
SubterminalPoint Guard Captain Darknell Boss Battle
Ergoth's Leitmotif/Theme (new)
TheWorld'sEnd Limina: End of the World and Ship Deck
TempleOfDarkness Black Mage Boss Battle: Phase 1
ThroneOfDarkness Black Mage Boss Battle: Phase 2
WorldHorizon Black Mage Boss Battle: Phase 3
LostSpace Black Mage Boss Battle: Phase 4
NewBeginningNotTheEnd End of Tenebris Questline


Name Played in
LosGurugers Savage Terminal: Polluted Sewer
SecretElodin Elodin Forest
LuensHouse Elodin: Ruenna's House
TheVillageOfKarupa Partem: Karuppa Town
ThePartemRuins Partem: Partem Ruins
Pathfinder Pathfinder Theme
battleHorizonTheme Event: Adventure - Battle Horizon
Midnight Hunt (unused)
MapleSquadS1 Event: Adventure - Immortal Gorgons
PathfinderRelicEvolution Pathfinder Skill: Awakened Relic
MysteriousTotemintheJungle Bounty Hunter Portal: Esfetia (Totem Slash)


Name Played in
LiberatedEdelsteinCity Aftermath: Resistance
JourneyMusicBox Aftermath: Heroes
Borderless Convergence (Borderless)


Name Played in
RidingOnTheClouds Hoyoung's Leitmotif/Theme (Hoyoung Questline: obtaining Nimbus Cloud)
RidingOnTheCloudsGodComing Hoyoung Skill: Sage: Wrath of Gods
SeonYuSan Hoyoung Questline: Mt. Songyu
CheongUn Cheong-woon
CreepyTemple Cheong-woon Valley: Handsome Monk's Temple
SeaWave Cernium: Rocky Overlook
TheHolyLand Cernium
BurningCity Chosen Seren Boss Battle: Reward Map
BattleOfCernium Burning Cernium
HolyWar Cernium Questline
SanctuaryOfMitra Cernium: Chamber of the Holy Sword
GraveyardOfSword Cernium: Graveyard of Swords
Apostles Apostles' Leitmotif/Theme
OverlordOfLife Gerand Darmoor's Leitmotif/Theme (Cernium: Aaron)
RisingSun Cernium Questline
RedMoon Cernium: Near the Flora Encampment
WhereTheSecretLies Ristonia: Underground Passage
RomanticSunset Ristonia
MaskedHeart Ristonia: Mansion
AdelesOath Ristonia: Tragic Rampart
5thAdelesOathInfinite Adele Skill: Infinity Blade
TheWallsofTragedy Ristonia: Tragic Rampart
ForEinherjar Adele Questline
Streetpiano Ristonia: Talking to Emile
AwakeningOfOldGod Chosen Seren Boss Battle: Phase 1


Name Played in
MemoryOfSunset Reverse City: Cutscenes
ReverseCity Reverse City
ReverseCity2 Reverse City
T-bomb Reverse City
MushbudForest Yum Yum Island: Yum Yum Village, Mushbud Forest
IlliyardMoor Yum Yum Island: Illiard Field
FungusForest Yum Yum Island: Fungos Forest
FungusForestB Yum Yum Island Questline


Name Played in
TheKnightOfSharenian Grand Athenaeum Chapter 6: Sharenian Knights
MyPrinceMyKingdom Grand Athenaeum Chapter 6: Sharenian Knights
WhiteNight Grand Athenaeum Chapter 6: Sharenian Knights
GoodbyeMyFriends Sellas Questline
SinkingThings Sellas: Plunging Depths
WhaleBelly Sellas: Star-swallowing Sea
WhereStarsRest Sellas: The Final Edge of Light


Name Played in
TheDispossessed Toolen City: Drakas Base
DispossessedAnger Toolen City: Drakas Base (after Kain's 2nd Job Advancement)
HappyBirthdayMyDear Kain Questline
HappyBirthdayMyDearShort Kain Questline
DoubtYou Kain Questline
Malice Kain Questline
ToolenCity Toolen City
5thKainThanatosDescent Kain Skill: Thanatos Descent
HeavyRain Toolen City (after Kain's 2nd Job Advancement)


Name Played in
Welcome to Hotel Arcs Hotel Arcus: Saloon
Wayout of the wilderness Hotel Arcus: Town and Outlaw-Infested Wastes
Train heading nowhere Hotel Arcus: Train with No Destination
A mechanic with a wander Hotel Arcus Questline
Lonesome Cinema Hotel Arcs: Nostalgic Drive-in Theater
WonderfulMomentsInNarin Narin
BetweenAlley Narin: Hushed Back Alley
LifeIsFullOfHappiness Lara's leitmotif
OnedayAtTheAtelier Narin: Dalbourde Studio
HyperLifeIsFullOfHappinessHomeOfSpirits Lara Skill: Arbor Away
AnotherdayOfTheAtelier Narin: Dalbourde Studio
AnotherdayOfTheAtelier_NoIntro Narin: Dalbourde Studio
Welcome to Ramuramu Valley Ramuramu Valley
Historical Site of Slime Ramuramu Valley
Once upon a time in Karotte Karote
PreparationForBreakthrough Karote
OccupiedFortress Kalos Boss Battle: Phase 1
FuryOfTheWatcher Kalos Boss Battle: Phase 2
Invasion Shangri-La
DestroyedFourSeasons Kaling Boss Battle: Phase 1
FadedWinter Kaling Boss Battle: Phase 2
RuinationOfFourSeasons Kaling Boss Battle: Phase 3


Name Played in
The Beginnig of The Adventure Maple Island (Destiny Update)
Just Another Maple Leaf Explorer Questline
Endless Curse Explorer Questline
Noblesse nostalgia Cygnus Knights Questline
Resting place of God Cygnus Knights Questline
Knight of Light Cygnus Knights Questline
Warning! Unknown Area Monster Park Extreme
The Lost City among the Clouds Odium: Town and Road to the Castle's Gate
Alley on the Other Side Odium: Captured Alley
Irreversible Abomination Odium: Laboratory Behind Locked Door
Sunshine blurring the Unknown Odium: Sunny Laboratory
Four Perils Astray Odium Questline
The other side of the dimension Grand Athenaeum (2022)


Name Played in
Lord’s Castle Erimos
Oasis in the Desert Erimos
Outskirts of Erimos Erimos
Realize truth Khali Questline
Carnival of the Night Khali Questline
Oblivion Khali Skill: Oblivion
The land of peach blossoms Shangri-La
Four Auspicious Beasts Shangri-La
The other side of ShangriLa Shangri-La Fields
Tangled Nebula 6th Job Advancement Questline
Radiant Triumph 6th Job Advancement Questline
Radiant Triumph Reprise 6th Job Advancement Questline
Fierce fortress Arteria
Painful and lingering death Arteria
Shadowy passage Arteria
Advance of Alliance Arteria Questline
Cygnus's rest Arteria Questline


Name Played in
An occupied coast Carcion
The great tropics Carcion
An approaching abyss Carcion
The eyes of the ishfira Carcion
Tears of eternity Carcion
Tears of eternity_loop Carcion


Name Played in
Wall01 Unused
Wall02 Unused
WallLoadCity Unused
Traning Unused


Name Played in
FeelGood Unused
HeatUP Unused
TheAftermath Unused


Name Played in
BeastTamerColloseum Tournament of Heroes Arena
BeastTamerKoboltCave Arboren: Kobold Pit
BeastTamerWoodTown Arboren
commerceBattle Commerci Trade Voyages (when a boss appears)
commercIng Commerci Trade Voyages
commerzBeach Commerci Republic: Berry
commerzCanal Commerci Republic: Canals
commerzForest Commerci Republic: Sospetto Forest
rock'nBattle Unused
rock'nBattleTiger Unused
velludBossBattle Gollux Boss Battle
velludfieldBattle Gollux Mob Battle


Name Played in
GoShanghai Unused
GoShanghai Unused
ShanghaiField Shanghai: Rural Area (SEA, JMS)
ShanghaiField Shanghai: Rural Area (CMS, GMS)
Yuyuan Shaolin Temple: Secret Library
PvP Unused
shaolin_songshan Mount Song
shaolin_daxiongbaodian Shaolin Temple
shaolin_mishi Shaolin Temple
shaolin_cangjingge Shaolin Temple
shaolin_shan Mount Song Fields
EnSchool English School (unused)
summerboating02 Event
summerboating03 Event
summerboating01 Event
DragonTigerField Gold Dragon Dojo and Red Tiger Dojo
DragonTigerDungeon Gold Dragon Dojo and Red Tiger Dojo
DragonTigerField2 Gold Dragon Dojo and Red Tiger Dojo
newYuyuan Shanghai: Yu Garden
newNanjinglu Shanghai: Nanjing Road
newWaitan Shanghai: The Bund
shaolinBoss Chief Priest Boss Battle


Name Played in
FunnyRabbit Event
FunnyRabbitFaster Event
wedding Unused
weddingDance Unused
wichTower Event
dolphin_noon Event
dolphin_night Event
halloweenMainHall Event
halloweenParty Event
halloweenracing Event
RabbitInvasion Event
coordiKing Event
captureTheFlag Flag Race
maxLevelChair Event
mapleGalaxy Event
mapleGalaxy2 Event
GalaxyisDangerous Event
LittleMaplePlanet Event
WelcomeToThe15thStreet Event
salonRise Event
awake_Event Event
fullMoonParty Event
18th_Event Event
mapleLIVE_pinkbean Event
mapleLIVE Event
chuchu Event
NewLogin_Jazz Event
RaindropFlower_Jazz Event
TheCygnusGarden_Jazz Event
TheFantasticThinking_Jazz Event
StarlightSymphony Event
Aquarium_Lofi Aquarium (Lofi ver.)
IlliyardMoor_Lofi Illiyard (Lofi ver.)
Leafre_Lofi Leafre (Lofi ver.)
FrozenLink_Lofi Little Maple Planet (Lofi ver.)
19th_Event Event
HiddenCatch Event
ignition Event


Name Played in
risingStar Event
risingStar2 Event
kiteBgm Event
tenthBoard Event
rhythmBgm1 Event
rhythmBgm2 Event
rhythmBgm3 Event
rhythmBgm4 Event
rhythmBgm5 Event
miniGameStation Event
santaRocks Event
santaBeats Event
VEvent MapleStory: V
WaterGunGame Event and MNN Broadcast Station
Mashup Event
clubHalloween Event
adventureIsland Event
battleHorizon Event
Newtro_Kingdom Event
Newtro_Disco Event
Newtro_Henesys Event
Newtro_Ludibrium Event
Newtro_ChuChu Event
Newtro_Orbis Event
Busters_Mushroom Event
Busters_Hog Event
Busters_Necki Event
Newtro_Login Event
Newtro_FlorinaBeach Event
glory_Base MapleStory: Glory
goblinMarket Event
pinkbeanSpotlight Pink Bean Skill: Tricolor Spotlight


Name Played in
ignitionFullMoonParty Event
wonstaurant Event
Xmas 01 Henesys Henesys during Christmas
Xmas 02 Leafre Leafre during Christmas
Xmas 03 The Lake of Oblivion Nameless Town during Christmas
Dancing_Sea_Otter Event: Identisk Island
Dancing_Sea_Otter_Festival Event: Identisk Island


Name Played in
Anniv1 Event


Name Played in
FantasticThemePark Fantasy Theme World (pre-revamp)
FantasticThemePark2017 Fantasy Theme World (post-revamp)


Name Played in
amoria Amoria
chapel Chapel Wedding
cathedral Cathedral Wedding
Amorianchallenge Amorian Challenge
NLCupbeat New Leaf City: MesoGears
NLChunt New Leaf City Fields
NLCtown New Leaf City: NLC Town Center
HauntedHouse Unused
CrimsonwoodKeep Crimsonwood Mountain
Bigfoot Crimsonwood: Phantom Forest
PhantomForest Crimsonwood: Phantom Forest
CrimsonwoodKeepInterior Crimsonwood: Crimsonwood Keep
GrandmastersGauntlet Crimsonwood Keep Party Quest: Twisted Masters Boss Battle
PartyQuestGL Crimsonwood Keep Party Quest
Jett Tutorial
Courtyard Crimsonwood: Courtyard (unused)
6th_skill Unused
Image1 Unused
NLC_town New Leaf City: Alien Invasion (unused)
NLC_boss Cerberusian Gigantic Drill Boss Battle
NLC_field New Leaf City Questline
NLC_kidnap New Leaf City: Alien Base
Blackgate Blackgate City (unused)
MadHouse Event: MadHouse
MadHouseEnding Event: MadHouse


Name Played in
Feeling Mushroom Shrine Fields
BizarreForest Mushroom Shrine: Cemetery / Vanished Village
Hana Showa: Near the Hideout (Beautiful Sky)
Yume Showa
Bathroom Showa: Bath House
BattleField Showa: Hideout
FirstStepMaster Mushroom Town Training Camp (unused)
CastleOutSide Ninja Castle Outside
CastleInside Ninja Castle Inside
CastleBoss False Daimyo / Gigatoad Boss Battle
CastleTrap Ninja Castle Trap
WhenTheMorningComes Unused
Elfwoods Unused
CityHall Tokyo
CityWarfare Tokyo
Gabuki Tokyo
TCBoss Unused
GoddessMark MapleStory: Ignition theme song - Megami no hyō


Name Played in
Kamuna Mushroom Shrine: Forest of Oblivion / Kamuna
Odaiba Unused
Park Unused
Akiabara Unused
Office Unused
Tokyosky Unused
Rockbongi1 Unused
Rockbongi2 Unused


Name Played in
Kecon Japanese Wedding / Momijigaoka: Master Room
SengokuBoss Takigawa Kazumasu Boss Battle
Momijigaoka Momijigaoka
InsideHonnouji Honnouji, Mori Ranmaru Boss Battle
MomijiNoSakamichi Momijigaoka Fields
SengokuOgassenn Unused
Hieijan Hieizan Temple
Hieijan_nohime Hieizan Temple / Princess No Party Quest
DarknessSoul Cross Boss Battle
TheCrossBrigade Cross Brigade Headquarters
CorruptioSanguinis Cross Brigade Questline


Name Played in
Feeling Mushroom Shrine Fields
BizarreForest Mushroom Shrine: Cemetery / Vanished Village
Kamuna Mushroom Shrine: Forest of Oblivion / Kamuna
LegendofZipang Mushroom Shrine Tales
LegendofZipang_Reprise Mushroom Shrine Tales
LegendofZipang_Sad Mushroom Shrine Tales
LegendofZipang_Silence Mushroom Shrine
LivingAgain Mushroom Shrine Tales
LivingAgain_Reprise Mushroom Shrine Tales
Tengou'sTrial Tengu Boss Battle
ZipangHero Mushroom Shrine Tales
YokaiBoso Mushroom Shrine Tales


Name Played in
Fate Mo Xuan Questline
GodOfWar Mo Xuan Questline
5thHyunsanpaUnleashedEnergy Mo Xuan Skill: Unleashed Energy


Name Played in
KualaLumpur Trend Zone Metropolis and Kampung Village
Highland Kampung Village: Fantasy Theme Park


Name Played in
SolarDeity:NoonOfJustice Chosen Seren Boss Battle: Phase 2 (Noon mode)
SolarDeity:TwilightOfFlame Chosen Seren Boss Battle: Phase 2 (Sunset mode)
SolarDeity:MidnightOfSilence Chosen Seren Boss Battle: Phase 2 (Midnight mode)
SolarDeity:DawnOfHope]] Chosen Seren Boss Battle: Phase 2 (Dawn mode)
Name Played in
GuardianSlime:Battle Guardian Angel Slime Boss Battle
GuardianSlime:Wave Guardian Angel Slime Boss Battle: Wave mode
Name Played in
FuryOfTheWatcher Kalos the Guardian Boss Battle: Phase 2
WornOutFury Kalos the Guardian Boss Battle: Phase 2 (Final 25% of HP)
Name Played in
Boss_SilveryWolf Akechi Mitsuhide Boss Battle
Boss_SilveryWolf_v2_1 Akechi Mitsuhide Boss Battle: Overwhelm mode


Name Played in
MD_InvadeOperation Hyperspace Cube
MD_AcornDetective_AR Stellar Detectives
MD_AcornDetective_MR Stellar Detectives
LandofWarriors_Day The Afterlands: Land of Warriors (Day)
LandofWarriors_Night The Afterlands: Land of Warriors (Night)
LandofRiches_Day The Afterlands: Land of Riches (Day)
LandofRiches_Night The Afterlands: Land of Riches (Night)
LandofContemplation_Day The Afterlands: Land of Contemplation (Day)
LandofContemplation_Night The Afterlands: Land of Contemplation (Night)
LandofInnocence_Day The Afterlands: Land of Innocence (Day)
LandofInnocence_Night The Afterlands: Land of Innocence (Night)
WeAreThePioneers Event: Eluna Exploration
SongOfTheNati Event: Eluna Exploration
Eluna Event: Eluna Exploration
UnexploredEluna Event: Eluna Exploration
SpiritualWeight Event: Eluna Exploration
ElunaExpress Event: Eluna Exploration
DiceMaster Event: Battle Party
WinterCastle Event: Winter Castle
WinterCastle_DownHill Event: Winter Castle
GodOfBrain Event: God of Brain
GunMan Event: Western Gunman
HiddenTales_Mystery Event: Secret Stories
HiddenTales_Tension Event: Secret Stories
HiddenTales_Sorrow Event: Secret Stories
RetroWorldTown Event: Retro World
RetroWorldMiniGame Event: Retro World
RetroWorldDungeon Event: Retro World
RetroWorldBoss Event: Retro World
HiddenCatch Event Game: Spot the Difference


Name Played in
Abrup Monad
Turbulence Monad Questline
Attack Monad Questline
FallenThings Monad Questline: Act 1
TheWaytoHope_gloomy Monad Questline
TheWaytoHope_gloomy_MR Monad Questline
TheWaytoHope Monad Questline
TheWaytoHope_MR Monad Questline
SongOfHawar Monad: Hawalu's song
SongOfHawar_MR Monad: Hawalu's song
SleepingForest Monad: Act 2 Windsleep Forest
WalkTogether Monad Questline
Labor Monad: Skuas
Labor_MR Monad: Skuas cutscene
Appearance Monad: Julieta cutscenes
Julietta Julieta Boss Battle
Reunite Monad: Act 3 Julieta epilogue
PL_MooIsland_Rest Event: Goo Island Getaway
PL_MooIsland_Main Event: Goo Island Getaway
PL_MooIsland_Play Event: Goo Island Getaway


Name Played in
CBD_town CBD
CBD_field CBD Fields
BoatQuay_field Boat Quay Town: Mysterious Path
Ghostship Boat Quay Town: Ghost Ship
BoatQuay_town Boat Quay Town
Ulu_field Ulu City
SantaSurfer_Sea Event: Purrfect Rangers - Santa's Visit
SantaSurfer_Beach Event: Purrfect Rangers - Santa's Visit
MeowDefence Event: Purrfect Rangers - Santa's Visit
Meowmas JingleBells Jazz Event: Purrfect Rangers - Meowmas
Meowmas JingleBells Disco Event: Purrfect Rangers - Meowmas
Meowmas LadderGame Event: Purrfect Rangers - Meowmas


Name Played in
1000010 1000010 Headset
THE FOOL 1000010 Headset
AGAIN 1000010 Headset
What is Love? Starlight Headset
Twinkle Twinkle Starlight Headset
Shampoo Starlight Headset
Show Me Tha Meso Nitro Adrenaline Headset
Raid Nitro Adrenaline Headset
Kill Mob 9999 Nitro Adrenaline Headset
New Login Buddy Headset
Raindrop Buddy Headset
Ludibrium Buddy Headset
Cygnus Buddy Headset
Ariant Buddy Headset
Joy To The Maple World X-Mas Headset
Together X-Mas Headset
Pink Christmas X-Mas Headset
Into The Dungeon GOGOA Headset
Abyss GOGOA Headset
Mushroom Power GOGOA Headset
Haven Vintage101 Headset
Downtown Vintage101 Headset
Drive Vintage101 Headset


Name Played in
ThaiTown Floating Market
ThaiField Floating Market: Fields
goldTempleTownTH Golden Temple
goldTempleFieldTH Golden Temple: Forest of Training
goldTempleDungeonTH Golden Temple: Abandoned Temple


Name Played in
YoTaipei Ximending
NightField Night Market Field
NightMarket Night Market
101Building Unused
101BuildingField Unused
101BuildingSubway Unused
CakeMap Event
CakeMap4th Event
FishingSystem Fishing Minigame
GachaponHousing Gachapon Housing
MapleHighSchool Maple Leaf High School (unused)
ChivalrousFighter Zen Tutorial (unused)
ThanksGivingDay Unused
concertchair_drum Concert Chair
concertchair_bass Concert Chair
concertchair_keyboard Concert Chair
concertchair_guitar Concert Chair
concertchair_drum_bass Concert Chair
concertchair_drum_bass_keyboard Concert Chair
concertchair_drum_bass_keyboard_guitar Concert Chair
ArisanBoss Alishan (unused)
ArisanCity Alishan (unused)
ArisanField Alishan (unused)
ArisanForest Alishan (unused)
ArisanTrain Alishan (unused)
bugworld(bug) Event: Bug World
2015gamaday_park Event: 2015 Gamaday
2015gamaday_minigame Event: 2015 Gamaday
ImDev_Room Event: I'm a Developer


Name Played in
NxLogo Nexon Logo
WzLogo Wizet Logo
AsLogo PlayPark Logo
WCSelect Unused
ShopBgm Cash Shop
Title Login (2023 - Present)
Title old Login (2010 - 2023)
NxLogoMS Nexon Logo (GMS)
Title Title (Pre Chaos)
Title Unused
Title Unused
Title Unused
Title Unused
Title Unused
Title_8th Unused
Title_TW Luke Jen - A Whole New World


Name Played in
CNY_LoveLetterB Event: Chinese Lunar New Year - Video Letter
CNY_LoveLetter Event: Chinese Lunar New Year - Video Letter
CNY_LoveLetterA Event: Chinese Lunar New Year - Video Letter
myHome_village Home System: Querencia Town Square
myHome_room Home System: Room
myHome_room2 Home System: Room
Corona Festival Event: Celestial Festival / Corona Festival
Corona Festival 2 Event: Celestial Festival / Corona Festival
Corona Festival 3 Event: Celestial Festival / Corona Festival
Abyss Expedition Event: Abyss Expedition - Headquarters
Abyss Expedition -Ambience ver.- Event: Abyss Expedition - Headquarters
Amazing Abyss Event: Abyss Expedition - Underground
Dark Abyss Event: Abyss Expedition - Underground
FlowerPig_DreamRider Event: Henesys Night Troupe
NightFestival_in_Henesys Event: Henesys Night Troupe
MyHomeJazz_Village Home: Antique Phonograph
MyHomeJazz_Home Home: Antique Phonograph
MyHomeJazz_Elnath Home: Antique Phonograph
JazzOfMaple_Login Home: Antique Phonograph
JazzOfMaple_Cygnus Home: Antique Phonograph
JazzOfMaple_Rudibrium Home: Antique Phonograph
JazzOfMaple_Ariant Home: Antique Phonograph
JazzOfMaple_Raindrop Home: Antique Phonograph
NightFestival_in_Rien Event: Rien Night Troupe
ExcitingDiving_in_Glacier Event: Rien Night Troupe
Dizzy_BumperCar Event: Rien Night Troupe
Treasure of Pharaoh - Enter Event: Maple Explorer - Treasure of Pharaoh
Treasure of Pharaoh - Chapter 1 Event: Maple Explorer - Treasure of Pharaoh
Treasure of Pharaoh - Chapter 2 Event: Maple Explorer - Treasure of Pharaoh
Treasure of Pharaoh - Chapter 3 Event: Maple Explorer - Treasure of Pharaoh
Treasure of Pharaoh - Chapter 4 Event: Maple Explorer - Treasure of Pharaoh
Treasure of Pharaoh - Chapter 5 Event: Maple Explorer - Treasure of Pharaoh
Treasure of Pharaoh - Boss Event: Maple Explorer - Treasure of Pharaoh
Treasure of Pharaoh - Shop Event: Maple Explorer - Treasure of Pharaoh
Misty Island - Temp Headquaters Event: Maple Explorer - Misty Island Legacy
Misty Island - Huge Ruin Centers Event: Maple Explorer - Misty Island Legacy
Night Festival in Nautilus: Minigame Event: Nautilus Night Troupe
Night Festival in Nautilus: Festival Event: Nautilus Night Troupe
Night Festival in Nautilus: Food Party Event: Nautilus Night Troupe
Night Festival in Nautilus: Pub Event: Nautilus Night Troupe
GuildCastle_Piano_01_Borderless Guild Castle: Dining Room Piano
GuildCastle_Piano_02_NeoCastle Guild Castle: Dining Room Piano
GuildCastle_Piano_03_ForEinherjar Guild Castle: Dining Room Piano
GuildCastle_Piano_04_TempleofTime Guild Castle: Dining Room Piano
GuildCastle_Piano_05_Pantheon Guild Castle: Dining Room Piano
GuildCastle_Piano_06_MyPrinceMyKingdom Guild Castle: Dining Room Piano
GuildCastle_Piano_07_OutlawoftheLonelyIsland Guild Castle: Dining Room Piano
GuildCastle_Piano_08_HelisiumForest Guild Castle: Dining Room Piano
GuildCastle_Piano_09_SecretElodin Guild Castle: Dining Room Piano
GuildCastle_Piano_10_TheVillageofKarupa Guild Castle: Dining Room Piano
GuildCastle_Piano_11_FairyTale Guild Castle: Dining Room Piano
GuildCastle_Piano_12_Login Guild Castle: Dining Room Piano
GuildCastle_Lobby Guild Castle
GuildCastle_Room Guild Castle
GuildCastle_Comfort Guild Castle
GuildCastle_Teatime Guild Castle
GuildCastle_FullofJoyandLaughter Guild Castle
GuildCastle_FollowTheLightLeaks Guild Castle
GuildCastle_FallenApart Guild Castle
GuildCastle_HisReminiscence Guild Castle
Abyss_WheretheGreatExpeditionBegins_01 Event: Abyss Expedition - Minar Forest
Abyss_WheretheGreatExpeditionBegins_02 Event: Abyss Expedition - Minar Forest
Abyss_MysteriousJourney Event: Abyss Expedition - Minar Forest
Abyss_AbysmalRavine Event: Abyss Expedition - Minar Forest
Abyss_TheBottomEnd Event: Abyss Expedition - Minar Forest
Abyss_WeAreNotAfraid Event: Abyss Expedition - Minar Forest


Name Played in
Superstar Pink Bean Chair Superstar Pink Bean chair effect


Name Played in
Pachinko_Interior_Ambience Pachinko Housing


Name Played in
Congratulation Unknown
MorningShot Unused
Heartybear Unused


Name Played in
bgmbase0 Pachinko Minigame
bgmbase1 Pachinko Minigame
bgmbase2 Pachinko Minigame
bgmbase3 Pachinko Minigame
bgmbase4 Pachinko Minigame
bgmbase5 Pachinko Minigame
bgmbase0 Pachinko Minigame
bgmbase1 Pachinko Minigame
bgmreach0 Pachinko Minigame
bgmreach1 Pachinko Minigame
bgmreach2 Pachinko Minigame
bgmreach3 Pachinko Minigame
bgmreach4 Pachinko Minigame
bgmreach5 Pachinko Minigame
bgmreach6 Pachinko Minigame
bgmreach7 Pachinko Minigame
bgmreach8 Pachinko Minigame
bgmreach9 Pachinko Minigame


Name Played in
CrimsonwoodKeep Crimsonwood: Cavern of Fear
CrimsonwoodKeepInterior Crimsonwood: Caverns
GrandmastersGauntlet Crimsonwood Questline
PartyQuestGL Crimsonwood Questline
Jett Tutorial
Nostalgia New Leaf City: Krakian Jungle
Cerberusian New Leaf City: Excavation Base
PhantomForest Crimsonwood: Phantom Forest
Raven Crimsonwood: Dead Man's Gorge
PhantomForest Crimsonwood: Phantom Forest
Whisper Crimsonwood: Phantom Forest + Crimsonwood Mountain (Low sanity)
Resurrection Crimsonwood: Elite Boss Battle
CrimsonMountain Crimsonwood Mountain
toVersal Crimsonwood: Versal Gate
NLChunt New Leaf City Fields
NLC_boss Cerberusian Gigantic Drill Boss Battle
NLC_Break Masteria (Unused)
NLCupbeat New Leaf City: MesoGears
NLC_battle Masteria Questline
NLCtown New Leaf City: NLC Town Center


Name Played in
Beautyroid_Forrest Event: Wondroid / Beautyroid
Beautyroid_Factory Event: Wondroid / Beautyroid
Beautyroid_Lab Event: Wondroid / Beautyroid
Beautyroid_Lobby Event: Wondroid / Beautyroid
Primrose Event: Wondroid / Beautyroid
PeacefulDays Event: Wondroid / Beautyroid
Beautyroid3_HiddenHallway Event: Wondroid / Beautyroid
Beautyroid3_ScionsLair Event: Wondroid / Beautyroid
Beautyroid3_UnseenPrison Event: Wondroid / Beautyroid
Beautyroid3_MoreHumanThanHuman Event: Wondroid / Beautyroid


Name Played in
Into the Stars Captain Vaga (unused)
Captain Vaga Captain Vaga (unused)
Battle Captain Vaga (unused)


Name Played in
MMF_timeTemple Event: Maple Music Festival (MMF)
MMF_ariant Event: Maple Music Festival (MMF)
MMF_badGuys Event: Maple Music Festival (MMF)
MMF_kinesis Event: Maple Music Festival (MMF)
MMF_mapleIsland Event: Maple Music Festival (MMF)


Name Played in
Bergamot Event: Neo Tokyo
DunasRaid Event: Neo Tokyo
YokaiBoso Event: Neo Tokyo
Rockbongi1 Event: Neo Tokyo
Rockbongi2 Event: Neo Tokyo
Office Event: Neo Tokyo
Park Event: Neo Tokyo
Odaiba1 Event: Neo Tokyo
Odaiba2 Event: Neo Tokyo
Tokyosky Event: Neo Tokyo
ZipangHero Event: Neo Tokyo
Kamuna Event: Neo Tokyo
FireOldFox Event: Neo Tokyo
Iruwater Event: Neo Tokyo
toVersal Event: Neo Tokyo
Ashley Event: Neo Tokyo
Dunas Event: Neo Tokyo
Rebirth Event: Neo Tokyo
Ashley_loop Event: Neo Tokyo
Dunas_loop Event: Neo Tokyo
Rebirth_loop Event: Neo Tokyo
Aufheben Event: Neo Tokyo
LegendOfZipang_Sad Event: Neo Tokyo
LegendOfZipang_Silence Event: Neo Tokyo
HiddenTales_Sorrow Event: Neo Tokyo
IntotheStars Event: Neo Tokyo
Battle Event: Neo Tokyo
Ashley_climax Event: Neo Tokyo
Dunas_climax Event: Neo Tokyo
Rebirth_climax Event: Neo Tokyo


Name Played in
ToTheBattlefield Fort Asura Questline
ShuraCastle Fort Asura Questline
Boss_SilveryWolf Akechi Mitsuhide Boss Battle
Boss_SilveryWolf_v2_1 Akechi Mitsuhide Boss Battle
Boss_SilveryWolf_v2_2 Akechi Mitsuhide Boss Battle
MeaningOfTheDawn Fort Asura Questline
ScatteringSakura Fort Asura Questline
SecretVow Fort Asura Questline


Name Played in
WinterFrenzy_Boss_All Event: Winter Frenzy
WinterFrenzy_Boss_effect Event: Winter Frenzy
WinterFrenzy_Boss_Bgm Event: Winter Frenzy


Name Played in
The_Arrival Used in a cutscene when the Cygnus Knights were first introduced
The_Third_Flight Used in the GMS website for introducing 3rd Job Advancement
Go! Fight! Show Your Energy! Used in the introductory video for MapleStory: RED

External Links

MapleStory Music - BGM & OST Database (provided by SlipySlidy)

  1. MapleStory on Wikipedia