MapIcon Henesys Henesys
Map Henesys
Continent Victoria Island Area Henesys
Street Henesys Return Map Henesys
Level Any Damage over Time None
Swimming? No Flying? No
Death Count None Potion Restrictions No restrictions
Recommended Force / Power None BGM
NPCs Monsters None
Portals Closet House, Henesys Market, Henesys Park, Maya's House, Chief Stan's House, Rina's House, Bowman Instructional School / Bowman Instructional School in Danger / Helena's Bowman Instructional School, Ardentmill, Spore Hill, The Hill North of Henesys
Notes This map is required to obtain the Beginner Explorer title.


  • Regional Naming Difference:


  1. CodeJP CodeCN CodeGL CodeTW JMS, CMS, GMS, and TMS only.
  2. 2.0 2.1 CodeGL GMS only.
  3. CodeJP CodeCN CodeGL CodeSEA CodeTW JMS, CMS, GMS, MSEA, and TMS only.
  4. CodeSEA MSEA only.
Availability of Henesys
Korea Japan China Global SEA Taiwan
Available Available Available Available Available Available
Maple World
Maple Island

Coco Island

Victoria Island

SleepywoodRoot AbyssNautilusEreveRienLumiere


El Nath Mts.Ludus LakeAqua RoadMinar ForestMu Lung Garden
Nihal DesertTemple of Time



World Tour

ZipanguThe Far EastMasteriaSEA (Singapore, Malaysia) • TaiwanThailand


MapIcon Hajin Xuan MountainMapIcon ForestofEternity Forest of Eternity

Other Worlds

WorldMap Grandis Grandis WorldMap Mirror World Mirror World WorldMap Shinsoo International School FriendStory WorldMap Arcane River Arcane River

Victoria Island
MapIcon Henesys Henesys MapIcon Farm Farm MapIcon Partem Partem
Theme Dungeon MapIcon flowervioleta Mushroom Castle*
MapIcon Ellinia Ellinia MapIcon Eurel Elluel MapIcon WizardSociety East Forest
Theme Dungeon MapIcon fairyAcademy Ellinel Fairy Academy* MapIcon Elodin Elodin*
MapIcon Perion Perion
Kerning City
MapIcon KerningCity Kerning City MapIcon SecretFlower The Secret Garden*
Theme Dungeon MapIcon KerningTower Kerning Tower*
Lith Harbor
MapIcon Rith Lith Harbor MapIcon SixPath Six Path Crossway
MapIcon Dungeon Sleepywood* MapIcon rootabyss Root Abyss* MapIcon fallenWorldTree Dark World Tree*
MapIcon Nautilus Nautilus*
Theme Dungeon MapIcon GoldBeach Gold Beach*
Near Victoria
MapIcon Ereb Ereve* MapIcon Rien Rien* MapIcon CristalGarden Lumiere*
Theme Dungeon MapIcon glacierExplorer Riena Strait*
*World Map available