
Forest of Poison Haze is a Cross World Party Quest based on Ellin Forest. It can be completed by four players from Levels 70 to 300.

To enter the Party Quest, one must enter the Cross World Party Quest portal at Spiegelmann's Guest House while this Party Quest is part of the current rotation. The rotation also consists of Moon Bunny's Rice Cake, First Time Together, Remnant of the Goddess, and Ariant Coliseum.

Entry Map[]

Map Pre-Entrance (2)

This stage serves as the pre-entry. In this stage, your characters will be normal, but once you enter the portal in the center, you will be transformed based on your class. Warriors will be transformed into Kanderune, Magicians will be transformed into Perzen, Bowmen will be transformed into Athena Pierce, Thieves will be transformed into Lohd, and Pirates will be transformed into Yuris.

Forest Entrance[]

Map Forest Entrance (Forest of Poison Haze)
Forest Entrance

This stage will serve as another pre-entry, for you to get adjusted to your new appearance. Enter the portal on the right side to begin Stage 1.

Stage 1[]

Map Mouth of the Forest
Mouth of the Forest

Eliminate all 50 Poisoned Tree Rods to advance to the next stage.

Stage 2[]

Map Deteriorated Forest
Deteriorated Forest

This stage will have 1 Poisoned Stone Bug spawn on each side of the map, with Thorny Vines on the right side of the map blocking your way to the next stage. When defeated, the Poisoned Stone Bugs will drop Concentrated Poison. Pick it up and click on the water hole in the center to purify it into a Diluted Poison. Collect 4 of these and click on the Thorny Vines in order to destroy them and advance to the next stage.

Stage 3[]

Map Forest of Haze
Forest of Haze

In this stage, you have to find your way to Ellin at the bottom right of the map. You and your party must traverse through the maze of random portals, which will move you to random sections of the map. One person has to reach the bottom right to talk to Ellin and advance to the next stage.

Stage 4[]

Map Poisoned Forest
Poisoned Forest

This stage will have 30 Poisoned Sprights, each of which will drop a Monster Marble when defeated. Collect all 30 to clear the stage. Afterward, have the party leader talk to Ellin, and then to the Spright that will appear next to her.

Stage 5[]

Map Forest's Empty Lot
Forest's Empty Lot

This stage will have a jump quest to complete. At the top of each side of the map (left, middle, right) is a platform with 3 boxes, for a total of 9. One of these boxes will have the Purple Stone of Magic at random. The player who obtains the stone will have to talk to the Spright at the bottom of the map to advance to the next stage. Once that player talks to the Spright, everyone in the party will be prompted to press the UP arrow when the button moves in the yellow area. If someone does not press UP within the next few seconds, that person will be kicked out of the PQ.

Stage 6[]

Map Forest of Poison
Forest of Poison

This is the boss stage, where the player with the Purple Stone of Magic must click on the altar to summon Poison Golem. The boss will have 3 phases, each relatively easy to defeat. Once you defeat Poison Golem, you will be rewarded with EXP and Party Points, and will be sent to Ellin's Forest, where you can view your ranking and talk to Ellin to exit the party quest.


Upon Completion


Picture and Name Monster's Stats
Mob Poisoned Tree Rod
Poisoned Tree Rod
70 - 180 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % 0
Mob Poisoned Stone Bug
Poisoned Stone Bug
70 - 180 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % 0
Mob Poisoned Spright
Poisoned Spright
70 - 180 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % 0
Mob Poisoned Tree Rod
Deeply Poisoned Tree Rod
70 - 180 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % 0
Mob Poisoned Stone Bug
Deeply Poisoned Stone Bug
70 - 180 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % 0
Mob Poisoned Spright
Poisoned Spright
70 - 180 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % 0
Mob Poison Golem
Mobicon Poison Golem Poison Golem (Boss)
70 - 180 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % 0
Mob Charged Poison Golem
Mobicon Charged Poison Golem Charged Poison Golem (Boss)
70 - 180 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % 0
Mob Super-Charged Poison Golem
Mobicon Super-Charged Poison Golem Super-Charged Poison Golem (Boss)
70 - 180 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % 0
Party Quests and Dungeons
Normal Party Quests

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Cross World Party Quests

MapIcon MoonRabbitParty Moon Bunny's Rice Cake MapIcon KerningParty First Time Together MapIcon PoisonForest Forest of Poison Haze
MapIcon GoddessTower Remnant of the Goddess MapIcon Ariant Ariant Coliseum

Exclusive MapIcon WoodThemeParkCN Wood Theme Park*
Arcane River
Special Content

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