
Escape is a party quest located in the El Nath Mts.'s Lion King's Castle region, and is accessible via Spiegelmann's Guest House via the Dimensional Mirror, as well as by talking to Jenn at First Tower.

The objective of Escape is to help Jenn rescue the prisoners trapped in Lion King's Castle.

Stage 1[]

Map Hidden Tower (Escape)
Hidden Tower

The first stage of this party quest requires completing a jump quest, with spears popping out of the ground. Only one person needs to complete this jump quest to have the party move on to the next stage.

Stage 2[]

Map Path to the Aerial Prison
Path to the Aerial Prison

For this stage, eliminate all the Grey Vultures and Castle Golems to proceed.

Stage 3[]

Map Dark Tower 1
Dark Tower 1

For this stage, you will be in a maze. The goal is to look for Dark Tower 6, which can only be accessed from a random portal at Dark Tower 5. Once you reach Dark Tower 6, you can go to the bottom right portal to reach the next stage.

Stage 4[]

Map A Secret Door to the Aerial Prison
A Secret Door to the Aerial Prison

For this stage, eliminate all the Grey Vultures and Prison Guard Boars to proceed.

Stage 5[]

Map Last Trap
Last Trap

For this stage, you will have to complete another jump quest, with more spears. Like in Stage 1, only one person needs to complete the jump quest to have the party move on to the next stage.

Stage 6[]

Map Aerial Prison (Escape)
Aerial Prison

For this stage, you will encounter Prison Guard Boars and Prison Guard Rhinos. The Prison Guard Rhinos will drop Prison Keys, which are needed to open the gates by clicking on them with a key in possession. There are also several boxes in the map, some of which summon Prison Guard Boars, and others that drop Prison Keys. Unlock all 4 gates to advance to the next stage.

Stage 7[]

Map Prison Guard's Room
Prison Guard's Room

This is the final stage of the Party Quest, where you will encounter Prison Guard Ani. He can summon Prison Guard Boars to aid him, as well as cast a buff that makes all your non-critical attacks miss. He will drop a Prison Guard Key when defeated.


Upon Completion
  • Level-based EXP
  • +70 Willpower EXP
Prison Guard Key Rewards

Eqp Von Leon War Belt Marx Von Leon War Belt

Eqp Von Leon War Belt Alma Von Leon War Belt

Eqp Von Leon War Belt Fox Von Leon War Belt

Eqp Von Leon War Belt Nox Von Leon War Belt

Eqp Von Leon War Belt Cora Von Leon War Belt


Picture and Name Monster's Stats
Mob Castle Golem
Castle Golem
140 - 159 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Grey Vulture
Grey Vulture
140 - 159 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Blood Reindeer
Blood Reindeer
140 - 159 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Prison Guard Boar
Prison Guard Boar
140 - 159 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Prison Guard Rhino
Prison Guard Rhino
140 - 159 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Prison Guard Ani
Mobicon Prison Guard Ani Prison Guard Ani (Boss)
140 - 159 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Availability of Escape
Korea Japan China Global SEA Taiwan
Available Available Available Available Available Available
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