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This article contains information no longer in-game, and are thus historical records of MapleStory.

Dream Defender, also known as Dream Breaker, was the Arcane River Special Content located near the Lachelein region. It was accessible via Mr. Flopsy the Dreamweaver at Lachelein Main Street. The objective was to assist Mr. Flopsy, one of Lucid's creations, by defeating the monsters and Nightmare Music Boxes in the clocktower disrupting his sleep. It could be attempted 3 times a day.

It was in all versions, but it has been removed from the game and replaced with Midnight Chaser as of the Savior Update. However, any Dream Coins obtained prior to the Savior Update can still be exchanged for Arcane Symbol: Lachelein at the same ratio of 30 coins for 1 symbol.


The strategy was to destroy Nightmare Music Boxes (indicated by a purple square on the Tactics Board) so that they turn into Sleepytime Music Boxes (indicated by a yellow square on the Tactics Board), while protecting the Sleepytime Music Boxes from Nightmarekeepers and Nightmare Gargoyles that would spawn and attack them. The goal was to have as few Nightmare Music Boxes on the map as possible, so that the gauge on the top of the screen becomes entirely yello, clearing the stage.

As you progressed in stages, the health of monsters and music boxes increased drastically, to where they became impossible to defeat for weaker players. The first time you attempted Dream Defender started at Stage 1, with every 10th stage counting as a checkpoint, allowing you to return to that stage whenever you wanted as long as you completed it (for example, if you cleared up to stages 50-59, you will be able to return to stage 50 whenever you want).

Each stage had a time limit of 3 minutes; if you failed to turn the gauge entirely yellow by then, or if the gauge turned entirely purple before the timer ended, then you would be kicked out of the map.

The Tactics Board, in addition to indicating Music Box status, allowed you to use special skills to aid your run. Every stage you cleared would grant Dream Points based on the stage you completed; Stages 1 - 19 rewarded 10 points each, 20 - 29 rewarded 20 points, 30 - 39 rewarded 30 points, 40 - 49 rewarded 40 points, and so on. These points would be saved even when exiting Dream Defender, but you could only have a maximum of 3000 at any time. The points were used for special Dream Defender-only skills, as follows:

Gauge Freeze
  • Cost: 200 points; Freezes the gauge in place for 5 seconds
Wake-up Call
  • Cost: 300 points; Destroys a Nightmare Music Box at random
Call Flopsy
  • Cost: 400 points; Calls Mr. Flopsy to lure monsters nearby away for 15 seconds
  • Cost: 900 points; Eliminates all monsters on the map and prevents them from reappearing for 10 seconds

Upon exiting Dream Defender, you would obtain EXP, as well as Dream Coins equal to the last stage you completed (up to 500 coins total among your daily runs). The top 5 players on the rankings would receive special NPCs in town that grant additional coins every day.

With the Dream Coins given, you could obtain Arcane Symbol: Lachelein for 30 coins each from Mr. Flopsy. You could also immediately complete daily runs upon completing Arcana and Morass, granting coins equivalent to your best attempt for that day.







Party Quests and Dungeons
Normal Party Quests

MapIcon Tangyoon Cooking with Tangyoon MapIcon RomioJuliet Romeo and Juliet MapIcon Pyramid Nett's Pyramid
MapIcon Krease Xerxes in Chryse MapIcon AbandonTower Dimensional Crack MapIcon DevijonParty Lord Pirate
MapIcon prisonBreak Escape MapIcon Dragonrider Dragon Rider
MapIcon kentaInDanger Kenta in Danger MapIcon Lex Resurrection of the Hoblin King

Cross World Party Quests

MapIcon MoonRabbitParty Moon Bunny's Rice Cake MapIcon KerningParty First Time Together MapIcon PoisonForest Forest of Poison Haze
MapIcon GoddessTower Remnant of the Goddess MapIcon Ariant Ariant Coliseum

Exclusive MapIcon WoodThemeParkCN Wood Theme Park*
Arcane River
Special Content

MapIcon Road of Vanishing Erda Spectrum MapIcon ChewChew Hungry Muto MapIcon Lacheln Midnight Chaser
MapIcon Arcana Spirit Savior MapIcon Morass Ranheim Defense MapIcon esfera Esfera Guardian


MapIcon MuruengRaid Mu Lung Dojo MapIcon aquarisTower Tower of Oz


MapIcon Wedding Amorian Challenge MapIcon VisitorOSSS Alien Visitor MapIcon JP Nohime Princess No

Defunct Content
Closed Content
Locations ChryseFlorina BeachNeo CitySakura CastleSpiegelmann's Gonzo Gallery
Party Quests / Dungeons Crimsonwood Keep Party QuestThe Ice Knight's Curse
Monster CarnivalSea of FogUnreal Forest
Removed Content
Tutorial Areas Mushroom Town Training CampLeafre Secluded ForestNinja VillageRed Peony Secret Base
Victoria Island Kerning City Internet CafeKerning Square (JMS)Kerning Square (CMS and TMS)
Ossyria Crimsonwood (Aqua Road)Masters' DungeonRoyal TombTwisted Aqua Road
World Tour 2022 NLCAlien BaseEnchanted ForestGolden Temple (Thailand)
Haunted HouseShanghai Wai-TanTaipei 101
Other Locations AlishanBattle SquareBlackgate CityMaple 7th Day Market
Maple InnPeach Blossom IslandStar PlanetTower of TrialsVeracent
Job Zen (Skills)Jett (Skills)
Monster HekatonJulieta
Party Quests / Dungeons Abandoned SubwayCave of LifeDimension InvasionDream Defender
English SchoolEvolution SystemFight for AzwanJett & Zen Roleplay Dungeon
Kritias InvasionLudibrium MazeMaple Leaf High SchoolMr. Lee Airlines
Sengoku OogassenSharenian RuinsTokyo Urban Warfare
Epics Monad
Game Elements Boss ArenaCaptain VagaFamily SystemMaple Trading System
NebulitesSupreme WorldTot's Know-How
Scrapped Content
Locations DawnveilFaded CitadelKerning City Night Market
Game Elements Bamon LeagueRebirth SystemTreasure Hunter Portals