For the NPC related to Kao's Memory, see Dimensional Crack (NPC).

Dimensional Crack is a party quest located in the Ludus Lake region, and accessible via Spiegelmann's Guest House via the Dimensional Mirror, as well as through Eos Tower 100th Floor.

The objective of Dimensional Crack is to stop monsters that have appeared through the Dimensional Crack in Ludibrium.

Stage 1[]

Map Abandoned Tower (Stage 1)
Abandoned Tower<Stage 1>

The objective of the first stage is to defeat all the Ratz and Black Ratz, and collect the Dimensional Passes. Collect all 20 passes to unlock the portal to the next stage.

Stage 2[]

Map Abandoned Tower (Stage 2)
Abandoned Tower<Stage 2>

The second stage has 5 portals, each with either Shadow Eye from Another Dimension or Dark Eye from Another Dimension. The objective is to enter all the portals and defeat all the Shadow Eyes or Dark Eyes inside. Once all the monsters are defeated, the portal to the next stage will be unlocked.

Stage 3[]

Map Abandoned Tower (Stage 3)
Abandoned Tower<Stage 3>

The third stage has 10 levels, each with 3 boxes that you must press the UP key on; one of these boxes will lead you to the level above, with the other 2 boxes sending you to the bottom of the map. After successfully passing a level, the correct box of the previous level will have a shimmering glow, making it easier to keep track of the correct boxes. When one player gets the last level correct, the party will be taken to the top of the map to proceed to the next stage. Once someone attempts to enter the top portal, everyone in the party will be prompted to press the UP arrow when the button moves in the yellow area. If someone does not press UP within the next few seconds, that person will be kicked out of the PQ.

Note: A recommended strategy for this stage is for each player to take a number and keep attempting that number (one person presses up on all of the 1's, another presses up on all of the 2's, and another presses up on all of the 3's.)

Stage 4[]

Map Abandoned Tower (Stage 4)
Abandoned Tower<Stage 4>

The fourth stage has 4 Rombot from Another Dimension. Eliminate them all and have the leader of the party talk to the Sky-Blue Balloon to unlock the portal to the next stage.

Stage 5[]

Map Abandoned Tower (Stage 5)
Abandoned Tower<Stage 5>

For the fifth stage, have the leader of the party talk to the Blue Balloon, and you will be given a math problem with a 3-digit answer. Have your party members stand on the corresponding platforms to advance to the next stage. If you have less than 3 members in the party, have the leader talk to Sgt. Anderson to receive a Platform Puppet, which can take the place of a player on a platform.

Stage 6[]

Map A Crack on the Wall
A Crack on the Wall

This is the boss stage, where you will face Alishar. Once you defeat Alishar, talk to the Violet Balloon to exit and head to Abandoned Tower<Determine to adventure>, where you can talk to Arturo to exit.


Upon Completion
  • Level-based EXP
  • +33 Willpower EXP
  • +20 Insight EXP
Equipment Rewards

Eqp Broken Glasses Broken Glasses

  • Requirement: Complete Dimensional Crack 5 times


Picture and Name Monster's Stats
Mob Ratz
Ratz from Another Dimension
120 - 139 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Black Ratz
Black Ratz from Another Dimension
120 - 139 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Shadow Eye from Another Dimension
Shadow Eye from Another Dimension
120 - 139 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Dark Eye from Another Dimension
Dark Eye from Another Dimension
120 - 139 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Block Golem
Block Golem from Another Dimension
120 - 139 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Rombot
Rombot from Another Dimension
120 - 139 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Chronos
120 - 139 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Platoon Chronos
Platoon Chronos
120 - 139 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Master Chronos
Master Chronos
120 - 139 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying
Mob Alishar
Mobicon Alishar Alishar (Boss)
120 - 139 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying


  • Regional Naming Difference:
    • GMS: Dimensional Crack
    • KMS: 차원의 균열 (次元-龜裂, Dimensional Crack, Chawon ui gyunyeol)
    • JMS: 次元の亀裂 (Dimensional Crack, Jigen no kiretsu)
Availability of Dimensional Crack
Korea Japan China Global SEA Taiwan
Available Available Available Available Available Available
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