For instructions on how to complete this stage, see Remnant of the Goddess#Entry Map.
MapIcon GoddessTower <Central Hall>
Map Central Hall
Continent Cross World Party Quest Remnant of the Goddess
Street Tower of Goddess Return Map <Tower of Goddess Entrance>
Level Any Damage over Time None
Swimming? No Flying? No
Death Count None Potion Restrictions No restrictions
Recommended Force / Power None BGM
NPCs Chamberlain Eak Monsters Flying Boogie
Reactors Statue of the Goddess Right Wing Piece
Statue of the Goddess Hair Piece
Statue of the Goddess Left Wing Piece
Statue of the Goddess Crystal Ball Piece
Statue of the Goddess
Next Stage <Lounge>

With Pieces[]

For instructions on how to complete this stage, see Remnant of the Goddess#Central Hall (With Pieces).
MapIcon GoddessTower <Central Hall>
Map Central Hall (2)
Continent Cross World Party Quest Remnant of the Goddess
Street Tower of Goddess Return Map <Tower of Goddess Entrance>
Level Any Damage over Time None
Swimming? No Flying? No
Death Count None Potion Restrictions No restrictions
Recommended Force / Power None BGM
NPCs Chamberlain Eak Monsters Flying Boogie
Reactors Statue of the Goddess Right Wing Piece
Statue of the Goddess Hair Piece
Statue of the Goddess Left Wing Piece
Statue of the Goddess Crystal Ball Piece
Statue of the Goddess
Next Stage <Garden>


For instructions on how to complete this stage, see Remnant of the Goddess#Central Hall (Final).
MapIcon GoddessTower <Central Hall>
Map Central Hall (2)
Continent Cross World Party Quest Remnant of the Goddess
Street Tower of Goddess Return Map <Tower of Goddess Entrance>
Level Any Damage over Time None
Swimming? No Flying? No
Death Count None Potion Restrictions No restrictions
Recommended Force / Power None BGM
NPCs Chamberlain Eak Monsters Flying Boogie
Reactors Statue of the Goddess Right Wing Piece
Statue of the Goddess Hair Piece
Statue of the Goddess Left Wing Piece
Statue of the Goddess Crystal Ball Piece
Statue of the Goddess
Next Stage <The Goddess' Blessing>
Maple World
Maple Island

Coco Island

Victoria Island

SleepywoodRoot AbyssNautilusEreveRienLumiere


El Nath Mts.Ludus LakeAqua RoadMinar ForestMu Lung Garden
Nihal DesertTemple of Time



World Tour

ZipanguThe Far EastMasteriaSEA (Singapore, Malaysia) • TaiwanThailand


MapIcon Hajin Xuan MountainMapIcon ForestofEternity Forest of Eternity

Other Worlds

WorldMap Grandis Grandis WorldMap Mirror World Mirror World WorldMap Shinsoo International School FriendStory WorldMap Arcane River Arcane River

Party Quests and Dungeons
Normal Party Quests

MapIcon Tangyoon Cooking with Tangyoon MapIcon RomioJuliet Romeo and Juliet MapIcon Pyramid Nett's Pyramid
MapIcon Krease Xerxes in Chryse MapIcon AbandonTower Dimensional Crack MapIcon DevijonParty Lord Pirate
MapIcon prisonBreak Escape MapIcon Dragonrider Dragon Rider
MapIcon kentaInDanger Kenta in Danger MapIcon Lex Resurrection of the Hoblin King

Cross World Party Quests

MapIcon MoonRabbitParty Moon Bunny's Rice Cake MapIcon KerningParty First Time Together MapIcon PoisonForest Forest of Poison Haze
MapIcon GoddessTower Remnant of the Goddess MapIcon Ariant Ariant Coliseum

Exclusive MapIcon WoodThemeParkCN Wood Theme Park*
Arcane River
Special Content

MapIcon Road of Vanishing Erda Spectrum MapIcon ChewChew Hungry Muto MapIcon Lacheln Midnight Chaser
MapIcon Arcana Spirit Savior MapIcon Morass Ranheim Defense MapIcon esfera Esfera Guardian


MapIcon MuruengRaid Mu Lung Dojo MapIcon aquarisTower Tower of Oz


MapIcon Wedding Amorian Challenge MapIcon VisitorOSSS Alien Visitor MapIcon JP Nohime Princess No
