
Alien Visitor is a party quest that was added to most versions in the Unleashed/Spark update.

It has since been removed from almost all versions, with the exception of ChinaMS.

The objective of Alien Visitor is to help Dr. Bing defeat the aliens that have crashed near Maple World, while doing it as fast as possible to obtain extra rewards.

Entrance Map[]

Map Spaceship Dimensional Crack
Spaceship Dimensional Crack

This is the first map in the Party Quest, and serves as a preparation stage before starting the Party Quest. The portal on the left leads you back to the Spaceship Crash Site, while the portal on the right leads you to the first stage.

Stage 1[]

Map Bizarre Alien Dimension 1
Bizarre Alien Dimension 1

The first stage of this Party Quest features Axe Visitors, which use skills based on Heroes from an older version of the game, and Magical Visitors, based on old Bishops and capable of flight. To advance to the next stage, kill 180 monsters (both kinds count). The faster you accomplish this, the better your rank will be.

Stage 2[]

Map Bizarre Alien Dimension 2
Bizarre Alien Dimension 2

The second stage of this Party Quest features Magical Visitors and Assassin Visitors, based on old Marksmen and also capable of flight. To advance to the next stage, kill 180 monsters (both kinds count). The faster you accomplish this, the better your rank will be.

Stage 3[]

Map Bizarre Alien Dimension 3
Bizarre Alien Dimension 3

The third stage of this Party Quest features the first boss: the Violent Visitor, based on Evan and Mir. To advance to the next stage, defeat the boss.

Stage 4[]

Map Bizarre Alien Dimension 4
Bizarre Alien Dimension 4

The second stage of this Party Quest features Spirit Visitors, based on old Dawn Warriors, and Speedy Visitors, based on old Wind Archers and capable of flight. To advance to the next stage, kill 180 monsters (both kinds count). The faster you accomplish this, the better your rank will be.

Stage 5[]

Map Bizarre Alien Dimension 5
Bizarre Alien Dimension 5

The fifth stage of this Party Quest features the final boss. Typically, you would end up fighting the High Visitor, but there is a chance that you will encounter the (Rare) Perfect Visitor, which has higher HP. The boss can drop Alien Fragment equipment, as well as VIP equipment.

Reward Stage[]

Map Spaceship Entrance
Spaceship Entrance

This is the reward stage of the Party Quest. You will be given EXP based on your rank for each stage. Talk to Dr. Bing to exit the party quest map.


Eqp Alien Fragment Ring
Alien Fragment Ring

Eqp Alien Fragment Necklace
Alien Fragment Necklace

Eqp Alien Fragment Earrings
Alien Fragment Earrings

Eqp Alien Fragment Belt
Alien Fragment Belt

Eqp Rare Alien Fragment Helmet
Rare Alien Fragment Helmet

Various VIP Equipment


Picture and Name Monster's Stats
Mob Axe Visitor
Axe Visitor
209 1,500,000 40,000 10% 10% 17,950
Mob Magical Visitor
Magical Visitor
209 1,350,000 40,000 10% 10% 17,950
Mob Assassin Visitor
Assassin Visitor
209 1,350,000 40,000 10% 10% 18,000
Mob Violent Visitor
Mobicon Visitor Violent Visitor (Boss)
209 100,000,000 40,000 10% 10% 1,000,000
Mob Speedy Visitor
Speedy Visitor
209 1,350,000 40,000 10% 10% 17,950
Mob Spirit Visitor
Spirit Visitor
209 2,000,000 40,000 10% 10% 20,000
Mob High Visitor
Mobicon Visitor High Visitor (Boss)
209 250,000,000 40,000 0% 0% 3,500,000
Mob (Rare) Perfect Visitor
Mobicon Visitor (Rare) Perfect Visitor (Boss)
209 350,000,000 40,000 0% 0% 4,000,000
Mob High Visitor (2)
High Visitor (Boss)
30 10 1 0% 0% 0
Availability of Alien Visitor
Korea Japan China Global SEA Taiwan
Unavailable Removed Available Removed Unavailable Removed
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