

Advanced Bonus Potential Stamp
Use Advanced Bonus Potential Stamp
Effect Success Rate: 60%; Grants 1 line of Bonus Potential to an item with less than 3 lines of Bonus Potential
Maximum number held 100
Tradability Can be traded in reboot worlds
Selling price 0
Description Double-click and select a piece of equipment with less than 3 Bonus Potential lines to add 1 additional line of Bonus Potential.
Notes None
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Advanced Bonus Potential Stamp
Use Advanced Bonus Potential Stamp
Effect Success Rate: 60%; Grants 1 line of Bonus Potential to an item with less than 3 lines of Bonus Potential
Maximum number held 100
Rewarded from Rare Treasure Chest (Non-Reboot Worlds only)
Tradability Untradable
Selling price
Description Double-click and select a piece of equipment with less than 3 Bonus Potential lines to add 1 additional line of Bonus Potential.
Notes None
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Untradable, Time Limited[]

Advanced Bonus Potential Stamp
Use Advanced Bonus Potential Stamp
Effect Success Rate: 60%; Grants 1 line of Bonus Potential to an item with less than 3 lines of Bonus Potential
Maximum number held 100
Tradability Untradable
Selling price
Description Double-click and select a piece of equipment with less than 3 Bonus Potential lines to add 1 additional line of Bonus Potential.
  • This item is time-limited.
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Armor ArmorAccessory
Weapon WeaponSecondary Weapon
Recovery PotionFoodCurePet Food
Equipment ScrollRebirth FlameSoul Weapon
Equip Enhancement Scroll
Others ArrowBagBulletFamiliar CardRecipe
Summoning SackTeleport ItemThrowing Star
BagLeftoversQuest Item
Profession Crafting MaterialMagic Powder
HerbOreRefined HerbRefined Ore
BagChairDecorative ItemTitle
Cash Item
Cash ItemCubePet
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